Ohio Sheriff’s Bizarre Request: Documenting Homes with Kamala Harris Signs

In a peculiar turn of events, an Ohio sheriff has sparked a wave of controversy with his directive to residents to document homes displaying campaign signs in support of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

Sheriff Bruce D. Zuchowski of Portage County took to Facebook to instruct citizens to "write down the address of any house that has a Kamala sign on it" and "also make a list of which candidate signs are at each house."

  • This perplexing request has raised eyebrows and ignited a heated debate.
  • Critics view it as an attempt at voter intimidation, while some supporters defend Zuchowski's actions as a way to protect residents from potential protesters.

The sheriff has since defended his stance, claiming that he was simply "providing information" to residents who had expressed concerns about the potential for protests and unrest.

However, the timing of his request, just days before the election, has heightened skepticism.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Ohio has condemned Zuchowski's directive, calling it "dangerous and unconstitutional."

The organization has received numerous complaints of voter intimidation as a result of the sheriff's post.

The Portage County Sheriff's Office is now being investigated by the Ohio Attorney General's office for potential violations of election laws.

Zuchowski's request has ignited a storm of controversy and raised questions about the role of law enforcement in the political process.

It remains to be seen whether his actions will have any legal or electoral consequences, but they have certainly cast a shadow over the election in Ohio.


Perhaps Sheriff Zuchowski is planning to host a "Kamala Harris Sign Scavenger Hunt" after the election. Winners will receive a complimentary copy of the sheriff's latest book, "Identifying Kamala Harris Supporters 101: A Guide for the Perplexed."

Personal Angle:

As a resident of Ohio, this story leaves me with a mix of bewilderment and concern. While I understand the importance of ensuring public safety, I find it deeply troubling when law enforcement officials engage in actions that could undermine the integrity of our democratic process.

Call to Action:

It is crucial that we remain vigilant in protecting our right to vote and to hold our elected officials accountable. If you witness any attempts at voter intimidation, report them to the authorities and to organizations like the ACLU. Together, we can ensure that our elections are fair and free."