OMG, Did Trump Just Say That?! The Most Shocking Statements of the Former President

Νο, it's not a joke! I'm serious!
Fellow Americans, brace yourselves because we're going on a wild ride through the mind of the one and only Donald Trump. From his eccentric ways to his eyebrow-raising comments, get ready to be shocked, amused, and utterly bewildered.
Let's start with a classic. Remember when he suggested injecting bleach to cure COVID-19? "It gets rid of it," he proclaimed confidently. Well, to put it mildly, medical experts worldwide were like, "Uh, no, Mr. President, that's a big no-no."
And who can forget the time he called Mexican immigrants "rapists"? It's like he single-handedly invented the most offensive Mexican stand-up routine ever. I mean, seriously, who says that? The man has a knack for making headlines that would make even the most seasoned tabloid writer blush.
Remember when he referred to the Charlottesville white supremacist rally participants as "very fine people on both sides"? That's right, according to Trump, neo-Nazis and peaceful protesters were equally worthy of our respect. I'm not making this up, I swear!
And let's not forget his infamous "grab 'em by the p" comment. I mean, who says such a thing? It's like he's stuck in a time capsule from the 1950s. But hey, at least he's got a way with words... in a very peculiar way.
But it's not all doom and gloom. Let's talk about his obsession with his hair. Trump has described it as "perfect" and "like a baby's." I'm not a hair expert, but I'm pretty sure human hair doesn't behave like baby hair unless you've got some serious hairspray action going on.
And then there's his love for fast food. Remember when he claimed that his favorite pizza topping is steak? "I like steak on my pizza," he said. Well, to each their own, but I'm not sure if that's a culinary masterpiece or a food abomination.
And let's not forget the time he said, "I'm a very stable genius." I mean, we can't argue with that logic, can we? After all, it's not like he has any experience in government or anything.
In all seriousness, though, Trump's statements have often been controversial and have sparked heated debates. Whether you agree with him or not, there's no denying that he's a master of creating a stir. I can't wait to see what other shockers he has up his sleeve for us in the future.
I'll leave you with this thought: love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a character like no other in American politics. You may not always agree with him, but one thing's for sure: he's never boring. So, buckle up and get ready for more mind-boggling statements in the years to come.