OMG, Tenesia Tauroni's Diary is Full of Secrets You Won't Believe!

Dear Diary,
My name is Tenesia Tauroni, and I'm a 13-year-old girl who loves to write in her diary. I have so many secrets to share with you, but I don't know where to start!
Well, let's start with the most exciting thing that happened to me this week. I met my favorite author, Tamora Pierce, at a book signing! I was so nervous to meet her, but she was so kind and friendly. She even signed my book and gave me a hug! I'm still floating on cloud nine from that experience.
Speaking of books, I've been reading a lot lately. I just finished reading "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins, and it was AMAZING! I couldn't put it down. I loved the characters, the plot, and the world that Collins created. I'm already planning on reading the next book in the series.
But enough about books. Let's talk about something more personal. I've been having a bit of a crush on this boy in my class named Jake. He's so cute and funny, and he's always making me laugh. I don't know if he likes me back, but I'm definitely going to try to find out. Wish me luck!
Speaking of luck, I've been having the worst luck lately. I've lost my favorite necklace, I spilled coffee all over my new shirt, and I even got a flat tire on my bike. I'm starting to think that I'm cursed! But I'm not going to let bad luck get me down. I'm going to stay positive and keep my chin up.
Well, that's all for now. I'll write to you again soon.
Tenesia Tauroni
"P.S." I'm so glad I have you to talk to, Diary. You're the best listener a girl could ask for.
"P.P.S." I'm also glad that I have my best friend, Abby. She's always there for me, no matter what. I love her so much!