OMG! You Won't Believe What Tiaraoluwa Turowitz Did to Her Toaster!

Okay, so, I already know what you're thinking: what on earth could Tiaraoluwa Turowitz have possibly done to her toaster that would make for such a clickbaity headline?

Well, let me tell you, it's a doozy.

It all started when Tiaraoluwa was making her usual morning toast. She popped two slices of bread into her trusty toaster and waited patiently for them to pop up, golden brown and crispy.

But instead of the satisfying "clunk" she was used to, she heard a strange, muffled sound. She looked down to see that the toaster had somehow malfunctioned and was now spewing out a thick cloud of smoke.

Panic surged through Tiaraoluwa as she frantically tried to unplug the toaster and smother the flames with a dish towel. But it was too late. The toaster had gone rogue, and there was no stopping it.

In a moment of desperation, Tiaraoluwa grabbed a nearby fire extinguisher and aimed it at the toaster. She squeezed the trigger with all her might, unleashing a torrent of white foam that engulfed the toaster and extinguished the flames.

Tiaraoluwa stood there for a moment, panting heavily. She had just narrowly averted a toaster-related disaster. But as the smoke cleared, she couldn't help but notice something peculiar about the toaster.

It was covered in a thick layer of foam, and the once-white bread had turned a peculiar shade of orange. Tiaraoluwa reached out and gingerly touched the toast. It was still warm, but it felt squishy and oddly sticky.

With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, Tiaraoluwa took a bite of the toast. To her surprise, it tasted... not bad. In fact, it was kind of delicious.

You see, the fire extinguisher foam had somehow infused the toast with a slightly sweet and tangy flavor. It was a flavor that Tiaraoluwa had never tasted before, and she found herself oddly drawn to it.

So, there you have it. The tale of Tiaraoluwa Turowitz and her fire extinguisher toast. It's a story that will make you laugh, make you hungry, and make you question everything you thought you knew about toasters.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself! Just be sure to have a fire extinguisher handy, just in case.

Bonus Recipe: Tiaraoluwa's Fire Extinguisher Toast
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1 fire extinguisher (foam type)


  1. Toast the bread in a toaster until it malfunctions and starts to smoke.
  2. Extinguish the flames with the fire extinguisher.
  3. Remove the toast from the toaster.
  4. Enjoy your fire extinguisher toast!

Note: Tiaraoluwa Turowitz is not responsible for any fires or explosions that may occur as a result of attempting to make this recipe.

So, what did you think of Tiaraoluwa Turowitz's fire extinguisher toast? Let us know in the comments below!