
Ondoy, also known as Tropical Storm Ketsana, brought torrential rains and extreme flooding to the Philippines in September 2009.

On that fateful day, I was a young boy living in a humble home in Marikina City. As the storm raged outside, we huddled together in our small dining room, listening to the relentless downpour and the rising water levels. The eerie silence was broken only by the occasional roar of thunder and the sound of water crashing against our windows.

As the night wore on, the water began creeping into our home, inch by inch. We frantically gathered our belongings and piled them on the highest surfaces we could find. But the water kept rising, relentlessly consuming everything in its path.

Soon, we were forced to abandon our home and seek higher ground. We waded through waist-deep water, carrying our soaked belongings with us. The streets were transformed into raging rivers, carrying away cars and debris. The once-bustling city was now a scene of chaos and despair.

We spent the next few days in an evacuation center, crammed together with hundreds of other families who had also lost their homes. The conditions were cramped and unsanitary, but we were grateful to be alive.

In the aftermath of Ondoy, I was deeply affected by what I had witnessed. The storm had not only destroyed our home but also our sense of security. I realized that life could change in an instant, and that we should never take anything for granted.

Years later, the memory of Ondoy still lingers in my mind. It's a reminder of the fragility of our world and the importance of resilience. It's also a reminder of the kindness and compassion that emerged in the face of such adversity.

The people of Marikina came together to help each other rebuild their lives. They showed that even in the darkest times, there is always hope.

Today, Marikina is a thriving city once again. But the scars of Ondoy remain, not only in the physical damage but also in the memories of those who lived through it.

Ondoy taught me the importance of community, the strength of the human spirit, and the power of hope. It's a lesson I will never forget.