One man, one dog

You probably won’t believe it, so I will show you.

“Dog,” that simple, four-lettered word that we usually associate with a man’s best friend, a pet that stays in the house, barks at strangers and sometimes bites them. It is also used to define something, or someone, that is not very good or very ugly.

But there is another meaning to the word “dog.”

Would you believe that “dog” can also stand for a person who is in love with another person?

No, I’m not talking about the dog-like devotion that some people have for their pets. I’m talking about the kind of love that makes you do crazy things, the kind of love that makes you lose your mind, the kind of love that makes you do things that you never thought you would do.

You might think I am crazy but I am not the only one who thinks this way. There are actually a lot of people who use the word “dog” to define their love for another person.

Just do a quick search on the internet and you will find a lot of websites and blogs that talk about the different ways that people use the word “dog” to express their love.

Some people use the word “dog” to describe the way that they feel about their significant other. They might say that they are “dogging” over their partner or that they are “dog-crazy” in love with them.

What does it mean to be "dogging"?

According to the Urban Dictionary, being “dogging” means to be head over heels in love with someone or something. It is a slang term that is often used by young people to describe their romantic feelings.

If you are “dogging” over someone, it means that you are completely smitten with them. You can’t get them off your mind and you are always thinking about them. You might even find yourself doing things that you would never normally do, all in the name of love.

So, what is the difference between being "dogging" and being "in love"?

To some, “dogging” is a more intense form of love. It is the kind of love that makes you do crazy things, the kind of love that makes you lose your mind.

“In love,” on the other hand, is a more stable and mature form of love. It is the kind of love that grows over time and is based on mutual respect and understanding.

Both “dogging” and “in love” are great feelings, but they are different in their own way.

If you are lucky enough to find someone who you are “dogging” over, then cherish them. They are a special person and you should never let them go.