Online Security: Here's the WhatsApp link you should never click

Continuing its flurry of updates, messaging giant WhatsApp recently decided to drop a video calling feature on its users.

This is obviously a welcome introduction for those looking to make picture-in-picture calls across a number of platforms, with a voice calling equivalent already available. People were previously forced to turn to services such as Apple's FaceTime or Skype.

But it's not all good news, as the fresh update is also seemingly the root behind a malicious scam designed to steal personal information.

Recently received a link asking you to activate the feature through a website? Well, don't click on it.

If you do, you'll be redirected to a fake website carrying a malicious code designed to harvest all your personal details. Of course, this can then potentially lead to identity theft and fraud. Eep.

If you were convinced enough to follow through with this "process", you'll also be asked to invite your unsuspecting pals and, obviously, spread the damage.

The issue has already been reported in a number of countries, with Pakistan's Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications even releasing a statement on the scam.

"Keeping in mind the popularity of WhatsApp with messaging users, it is important that the Pakistani users are aware of this scam so that they can take immediate measures to limit exposure to its data protection consequences," the statement read.

This isn't the first time users have been hit with potential fraud, and it won't be the last. As with all online practice, be sure to avoid links you don't recognise or suspect.