All You Need To Know About Cat Sleep

Cats love to sleep and any pet owner will attest to the fact that cat sleep is a long and leisurely thing. Although the amount of nap time your kitty indulges in varies on the age of the cat, it is still a significant amount which is almost twice as much as a human sleeps. The most surprising thing is that cats can sleep almost anywhere. Be it the windowsill, TV console, edge of a table, ledge or even stretched out between two different surfaces, a cat is at ease anywhere. In fact, sleeping is one cat behavior that intrigues many.

Kittens sleep the most as it keeps them safe from predators. It is not clearly known why adult cats sleep so much. While some researchers believe that it is because cats are evolved from a long line of predators who hunted during the night, others are of the opinion that a cat's eating habit is responsible. Cats are carnivorous, which means they do not have to spend the entire day grazing and thus can afford to spend time sleeping. Pet cats, of course, sleep because they neither have to hunt nor forage for food.

A cat's sleep is usually very light. Close observation of your kitty while it is sleeping will show that her ears are constantly twitching and any sudden movement will cause it to open its eyes. This is a protective reflex, which allows the cat to be safe from predators or other harmful elements.

A cat's sleep pattern is also an indication of her health. The amount of time your cat spends in sleep may differ by a couple of hours, but a drastic change in sleeping patterns is usually an indication of some cat health problems present. A lethargic cat is likely to have digestive problems whereas a cat that is not sleeping enough could be suffering from thyroid problems

Cat sleep patterns can clash with yours to disturb your slumber. To match your cat's sleep pattern with yours, you can engage your kitty in strenuous games and activities throughout the day, which in turn will make it sleep at night.

It is in your cat's nature to sleep for a minimum of 12 hours each day. It is best to let the cat sleep for that amount of time or it may have adverse effects on the growth of your feline friend and may even give rise to some cat health problems.