Online Info Blog Strategies against identity theft and financial fraud


Identity theft is all around us, even in Joliet and Will County. It seems that almost every week, we read about an identity theft arrest or a warning on the latest scam. From an unsolicited phone call requesting financial information to an email seeking your Social Security number to claim a prize, it’s likely that many of us have experienced an attempt at identity theft or financial fraud. Make sure to regularly scan statements for any unusual charges, as that can help with early detection. In addition, take advantage of requesting the three free credit reports you are entitled to each year.

There is no doubt we live in an age of technology. Almost everything can be done from the comfort of our own computers or on a smartphone, but keeping up with all the advances can be difficult, and technology can also represent new points of access for identity thieves. It is not uncommon for identity thieves to get creative in locating personal information. How many of us think twice before throwing away a paper statement or bill? It may not seem like a big deal, but these types of documents contain a wealth of personal information that can be used to perpetuate fraud.