Reasons Why Organic Skin Care Products Are Better For You

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and acts as a barrier between the outside world and the body. Your skin reflects your internal health as well as you need to protect it from outside too. Skin care is very important for everyone, because it keeps your skin in good condition and keeps you look more youthful and boosts your confidence.

Organic skin care products are a new wave in the beauty world and many people are now preferring it over regular, chemical products because of its harmful side effects. Let’s know more about its harm, so we avoid using synthetic products.

1- Free of chemicals

Organic skin care products are free of harsh chemicals and toxins like parabens, phthalates or sodium laureth sulfate which are usually found in conventional skin care products.

These ingredients are not only harmful for our skin but when they enter our blood, they can cause serious problems like cancer, type-2 diabetes, endocrine disrupting the system and also to our immune system.

The more you use these kinds of products means more accumulation of such chemicals in our body. By choosing skin care products that’re organic and natural, will surely not let you get in this trouble at all.

2- Nutrient rich products

These natural skin care products are nutrient dense that are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that help to fight free radicals, inhibit collagen degradation, increase its elasticity and smoothness, prevent premature aging and are wonderful natural moisturizers.

You mostly see these ingredients at the back of the products which are coconut oil, cocoa butter, pomegranate seed extract, coffee, green tea, shea butter and the list is long. All these are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, GMO’s, added additives or chemicals, synthetic fertilizers so that your skin can absorb only real, natural products that aren't harmful. 

3- Better for the skin

The ingredients used in organic body care products are safe and healthy for our skin that promotes better skin balance, is gentle and mild, soothing and nourishing. Not only it improves skin conditions, it also brings a drastic reduction in skin allergies, irritation, itchiness and in acne too.

Although chemical based products work fast and give immediate results but in the long run they cause many problems, increased sensitivity, clogged pores and even sun burns too. So, you must be careful while choosing the right products for your skin.

4- Allergy-free

Organic items are mostly allergy-free. They cause less allergic reactions, inflammation or irritation because they don’t have any harsh chemicals in them.

Usually allergies from natural ingredients occur from peanuts or strawberries, which would be easier to figure out. Mostly bulk skin care bases that are organic and labeled as hypoallergenic which means they don't cause any allergy.

5- Cruelty free

Beauty industry has been criticized a lot for conducting animal testing for their products to verify that they’re safe for human use. Organic products don’t need to, because they're made from organic and natural ways so they are safe and harmless.

These products not only discourage the animal testing but also make products that doesn’t have animal products too.

6- Supporting environment

Organic products means ingredients used in them are grown and produced using sustained practices. Since they're made from chemical-free ingredients, there is significantly less waste and toxins going down the drain and back into our earth. Harsh chemicals not only are a harm for your skin and internal health, but also affects the environment too.

Organic farming is better for wildlife, causing lower pollution from pesticides and fertilizers sprays. Most organic products come in biodegradable packaging, which are environment friendly. Your conscious decision to support the health of our planet and support local trade, all adds to the betterment of this world.

7- Prevents premature aging

Excess sun exposure is the major cause of premature aging, UV rays cause damage to our skin and so many people stumble on sunscreens with filters like oxybenzone, retinyl palmitate and octocrylene, but their safety is questionable.

Instead you pick mineral ingredients that are natural like titanium oxide, zinc oxide and iron oxide which are safe and effective.

They can protect your skin safely without causing any threat to your health. So, pick organic sun screens products which slows down the aging process.

8- Complementing healthy lifestyle

Your move to choose natural, organic products improves your lifestyle, is good for your skin’s health and also best for our environment.

Better ingredients equals better effects resulting in balanced healthy skin, youthful and beautiful. Your better choices give better results and impact on your overall health.

Summing up

Every person wants to do better skin care with effective results and improvement in skin conditions too.

Many people are switching to organic skin care products to avoid harsh chemical contact and their side effects in the long run. The organic products give slow  results but consistency is the key.