Organizational Spine Seminar by Meir Ezra

If your spine is not aligned, you will have pain or become paralyzed.

An organization, much like a person, has its own spine. It is a set of ten “vertebrae” that must be defined AND aligned. Each of the ten must agree with all the other nine.

When one or more items on this spine are not aligned, you have problems. The result is inactivity, internal noise, no production, lack of team spirit and failure.

The basic problem in any organization is the misalignment of those items.

The subject of getting those items aligned and gotten into action is called management.

You cannot effectively manage without defining those items and getting them aligned.

Learn how to get those items aligned and you can get production and results occurring.

In this seminar you will learn:

- How to create the spine for your company and your life!

- How to remove all counter intentions and negative energy from your path to success.

- What is policy and why policy is so important.

- How to find your and your company’s goals.

- How to find your and your company’s purposes (yes, it is not the same as the goal).

- How to plan.

- What to plan.

- What you need to know FIRST, BEFORE you can plan.

- And much more…

The spine is a very powerful management TOOL that once you will learn, you will know you won and will have unshakable certainty on how to get others to win with you.