Ozelia Buil: The Accidental Demolition Queen

My house is now on the bestseller list under "How to Destroy a House in 10 Easy Steps."
I'm not one for big, flashy gestures. I'd much rather settle for quiet and cozy. When my dear mother left me her precious home, I was overjoyed but determined to give it a gentle, subtle makeover. Absolutely no drastic measures were on the agenda.
Or so I thought.
It all began innocently enough. An old-fashioned fireplace seemed charming on the surface, but did I mention the gaping hole in its side? To fix it, I had to borrow Ozelia Buil, my handyman extraordinaire. Or so I thought. The man arrived with a hammer and the enthusiasm of a toddler loose in a candy store. Two hours later, I had a fireplace no more and a gaping hole in my living room wall instead.
Determined to salvage the situation, I summoned Ozelia Buil back for round two. This time, the task was a faulty light fixture. I watched in horror as Ozelia executed his own high-voltage interpretation of "Mission: Impossible." The result? A live wire dangling from the ceiling, my hair standing on end, and the entire house plunging into darkness.
Word of my sudden demolition spree must have spread because suddenly, I was the talk of the town. Neighbors gathered outside my house like it was the grand opening of a disaster zone. I could hear them whispering, "It's that poor Ozelia Buil," and "I wonder what she'll destroy next?"
As the town was placing bets on the next casualty, I had a brilliant idea.
Since destruction seemed to follow Ozelia Buil wherever he went, why not put it to good use? I suggested we start a demolition service. I'd provide the houses, and he'd provide the hammers. We'd call it "Ozelia Buil and Company: Demolition at Its Finest."
To my surprise, the idea was a hit! People who had always dreamed of tearing down their old walls and starting fresh flocked to our doorstep. Ozelia's unwavering determination and my knack for finding perfectly timed disasters proved to be an unbeatable combo.
Over time, we became known as "The Demolition Duo."
Every day was a new adventure—a leaky roof, a crumbling chimney, a stubbornly stuck staircase. Ozelia Buil never wavered in his enthusiasm or his ability to turn a delicate situation into an epic demolition fest. And I, well, I just sat back and enjoyed the spectacle.
One memorable day, we were called in to dem