What to Do with a Finished Diamond Painting


What to Do with a Finished Diamond Painting

You’ve finally done it. You finished your first diamond project—yay! Now, you’re probably  Paintings cart   wondering what to do with a finished diamond painting. Well, you spent a lot of time and effort on creating something beautiful, so you’ll definitely want to preserve it in some way. But, how? We like to add a top seal to keep all of the diamond beads secure and then put it in a chic frame to hang on the walls of our home or office.

Before you can start the framing process, however, there are a few other finishing touches you can add to your painting just to make sure it’s as perfect as can be. Learn how to frame a diamond painting and look for any minuscule mistakes that could lead to bigger issues down the line.

Get Rid of Dust or Dirt
Most of us spend quite a bit of time working on a single diamond painting project because it can take a while to get every bead in the right place. Plus, if you want to create a truly stunning piece, you need to be diligent about the placement of every diamond; otherwise, you’ll end up with a painting that looks uneven or misshapen.

Because these projects can take days or even weeks–depending on how often you work on yours–it’s easy for debris like dirt, dust or even pet hair to get caught in the design. You may not notice any of these tiny inconveniences while working on the project, but once the beads have been sealed in and hung in a frame, you may see the difference. To clean your diamond painting, you can use a soft brush or even a toothbrush to very gently sweep any remains of your creation.

Check for Missing Areas
Have you ever thought you completed a puzzle only to realize you had one piece missing? It is so easy for something similar to happen with a finished diamond painting. Because every piece is so small and the grid sections are so close together, you may end up thinking that you didn’t miss any spots, but once you hold your project up to a light board or a bright light (lamp or direct sunlight), any spots that have been skipped over will be illuminated. Before you do anything else with your finished product, you should use this test to check for discrepancies.

Be Sure Diamond Beads Are Secure
The diamonds beads of your painting are attached to the grid by the pattern’s sticky surface. However, sometimes we do not push down hard enough on each and every bead causing one (or more) of them to fall off once we lift up the painting. To avoid this, take a rolling pin and gently roll over the entire piece. This will provide each bead a little extra pressure that ensures that they are stuck to the grid.