Paneled Room Art Piece

Paneled Room Art Piece


Piece in the Paneled Room (Pat Flan Picture)

This art piece is a relief sculpture of Mary looking down over the baby Jesus. Above both Mary and Jesus, there are a trio of angels holding a sheet of music with the notes and words “Gloria in Excelsis Deo”. The placement and stance of the dove (above everyone) suggests that it would be representative of the Holy Spirit. The piece is framed by Ionic pillars that are covered in gold leaf, and have ornate designs that are similar to vines and leaves on the pillars themselves and across the top portion of the frame. The piece is made of clay that has been heavily glazed over. The colors, though few in variation are extraordinarily vibrant.

The use of a number of these styles were very common in early Christian art. Both the use of the dove to represent the Holy Spirit, and the lack of concern for the perfect human body are telltale marks of Early Christian artwork.

Image result for dove in christian art

Example of not quite proportional bodywork, dove as Holy Spirit. (Not a Pat Flan Pic)


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