Parti Poodles Possess Lots Of Wonderful Traits

During the search for a new canine friend, it is advisable to seek out information on any breed that is being considered. Each person and every family has very unique circumstances and specific need, and a dog should be have the behavioral ability and personality to allow them to adapt to that environment. As far as pets go, Parti poodles are both beautiful and possess great social qualities. 
This is the term used to describe a particular subset of bi-toned dog. The stark white fur is breed consistent and covers half of their body area with the rest being splotches of color. There is no blending or fading into the whiteness as these spots have sharply defined edges with matching hued skin directly beneath them when the other groups all have uniformly colored flesh all over. 
When the breed was new, and their primary function was retrieving birds from the water for German hunters, this was the most common group. As the members of the French elite grew fond of these animals as pets, breeders focused on producing more solidly colored coats as they were considered more pleasing. To make them easier to carry and novelize, they were also bred to be more petite in size. 
Puppies may look absolutely nothing like either of their parents and each member of the litter could possibly have a totally unique look. There are other dual toned subsets such as the Mismarked, Tuxedo, or the Abstract, with each one having certain defining characteristics. The solid color groups include cream, apricot, cafe'-au-lait, silver, gray, brown, white and black. 
Only three categories are approved by the AKC to separate this breed by size. Toy is meant to encompass all those who are ten inches high or less at the tip of the shoulder, Standard is for all who meet or exceed 15", and everything that falls between them is known as Miniatures. Some breeders tout their puppies as either Royal Standards or as Teacups, though they are actually just very small or excessively large dogs. 
Many people are drawn to these animals because of their beautiful and regal appearance. They tend to stand with an air of superiority which showcases their straight backs, high tails, narrows snouts and lengthy ears. Groomers usually use a Lamb Clip or an English Saddle cut on their coats as both styles easily recognizable as belonging specifically to this unique breed. 
Another thing that makes them highly desirable is the fact that they are among the most intelligent dogs around. Training them is very easy as they take instruction well and are quite good at learning tricks and commands. It is extremely important, however, that since these animals have a natural affinity towards leadership, that all of the humans, even the children, speak with authority so that it is clear the person is in the Alpha position. 
These canines are quite energetic and bouncy as puppies, though they can be taught to control their enthusiasm when necessary. Whether home is an apartment or a house with a huge yard, the dogs will be perfectly comfortable as long as they are taken out for exercise daily. They love children and are both sociable with other animals and protective of their family.
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