Paul Whelan: The American Left Behind in Russia

As the world watches with bated breath as U.S. basketball star Brittney Griner languishes in a Russian prison, another American citizen, Paul Whelan, has been unjustly detained in the same country for over four years.

Whelan, a former U.S. Marine, was arrested in December 2018 on espionage charges. Since then, he has endured a Kafkaesque ordeal, with his Russian captors manipulating evidence, holding him in solitary confinement, and denying him access to adequate medical care.

Unlike Griner, Whelan's case has received far less public attention. But his plight is equally egregious. He is a victim of the Kremlin's reckless game of geopolitical chess, a pawn sacrificed in their quest to sow discord and undermine the United States.

The son of Irish immigrants, Whelan was born and raised in Canada. He served in the U.S. Marines for 13 years, earning a Purple Heart for his service in Iraq. After leaving the military, Whelan settled in Michigan, where he worked as a corporate security executive.

In December 2018, Whelan traveled to Russia to attend a friend's wedding. A few days before the scheduled event, he was arrested by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). The FSB accused Whelan of espionage, claiming that he possessed classified information on Russian security forces.

The charges against Whelan are absurd. The prosecution's case rests on a flimsy accusation and a questionable "confession" that Whelan claims was coerced under duress.

Despite Whelan's innocence, he has been subjected to a cruel and inhumane prison sentence. He is currently serving 16 years in a remote prison colony in Mordovia, a region known for its harsh conditions and lack of medical facilities.

In prison, Whelan has suffered from a number of health problems, including a hernia and a heart condition. He has also been denied access to proper medical care, despite the fact that his health is deteriorating.

The Biden administration has repeatedly called for Whelan's release, but the Russian government has refused to cooperate. In fact, they have used Whelan as a bargaining chip, demanding that the United States release Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout in exchange for his freedom.

The United States should not negotiate with terrorists. Paul Whelan is an innocent man who has been unjustly detained. The Biden administration must do everything in its power to secure his immediate release.

We must not forget Paul Whelan. He is an American citizen who has been wrongfully imprisoned in Russia. He deserves our support and our outrage.

Together, we can bring Paul Whelan home.

Take Action:

  • Contact your elected officials and demand that they pressure the Russian government to release Paul Whelan.
  • Write a letter to Paul Whelan's family to show your support.
  • Share Paul Whelan's story on social media using the hashtag #FreePaulWhelan.