6 Reasons Why Printers Recommend You Use PDF File For Printing

There is no doubt that PDF is one of the most popular and widely used file formats in the world. Especially in printing industry, most printers will recommend the clients transfer their printing file in PDF format. But do you know why? Keep reading and you will find the answer.

Have you ever experienced the following situations:


PDF file format for printing


You have worked hard to write the document and arrange the layout. But when you send to the book printing company, the format is confused, which wastes time. Or have you experienced that when you want to upload the large images and text file for printing, separate upload will waste too much time? Have you found that most of the papers and regular classic e-books are in pdf format?

At these times, pdf comes in handy. Before printing, you only need to convert the document format to pdf and choose to print. And a document that is exactly the same as what you wrote will come out. Converting the document to pdf format greatly protects the intellectual property rights of the original author. Also, it is easy to view on different system platforms. If the original file is large in size, you can also output the file in pdf format. Which greatly reduces the size, but the printing effect is not compromised.


What's PDF file format?

what's pdf format

PDF (Portable Document Format) is a general-purpose document format developed by Adobe. It can save documents, pictures, tables, etc. can be viewed and printed. PDF is one of the file formats we work with the most. When it comes to this format, even users who are not familiar with the technology can say the advantages of "good versatility" and "the format will not change randomly". In layman's terms, pdf is an advanced file format developed by adobe to adapt to various systems and hardware. The most prominent feature is that it is portable, universal and undistorted.

Its powerful features allow you to create and share documents without worrying about formatting.


Find the benefits of PDF file format


If you ask people who have used PDF to tell the advantages of PDF, they will mention the two points of "typesetting unchanged" and "high compatibility". However, PDF also has shortcomings. It can neither be edited at will nor extracted and copied, and even sometimes garbled characters will appear. Even so, most of the official documents and printing materials are still required to be converted into PDF.

For most users, PDF is probably the most "down-to-earth" format they come into contact with, the closest to real life. Because PDF is not so much a digital document as it is an image of a physical document in the digital world. The operation of PDF can largely be regarded as the operation of real paper. But the operating environment has changed from the physical world to the digital world. The creation of PDF is a kind of virtual printing, the process of copying PDF text is more like a kind of transcription, and the editing of PDF is essentially a kind of alteration.

Among the document formats we use every day, the appearance of PDF files is the most stable. Once generated, no matter what operating system or software is used to open it, the display effect obtained is almost always the same. In contrast, the fidelity of the docx format used by Word is much worse. Even if you just change the computer, the display effect may change, let alone open it with a different version of Word or third-party software. This fidelity of PDF has made it popular. If the stability of PDF display is the main advantage it attracts people to use.


Why is PDF file format widely used in printing industry?


1. PDF's portability

PDF is the abbreviation of Portable Document Format in English. No matter what device, operating system or PDF software you use. The PDF document will be displayed on the computer/mobile screen or printed on paper. The format will not change, so you don't need to worry about the recipient of the file not being able to view the document or seeing a less-than-perfect version.

2. PDF's security

PDF's security



Another reason for the popularity of the PDF format is its security. You can password protect the PDF file and set permissions for printing, editing, and copying as needed. Also, you can add a watermark to prevent counterfeiting. And other document formats do not offer the level of protection that the PDF format does. For password-protected PDF files, we can securely share or transfer them via email or messaging applications.



3. PDF's convenience

Usually, we add pictures, tables, charts and other forms of content to PDF. At this time, another advantage of PDF appears: compared with other formats, the file size of PDF is often smaller, so it is more convenient. upload and download, and also save hard drive and system storage space.

4. PDF's flexibility

Creating a PDF is also easy, you just need to use a printer and scanner to save the file in PDF format. Or, if your document is in another format, converting the PDF is just a few clicks away. With the help of PDF creation tools, such as PDF Reader Pro. You can also create a blank PDF or create a PDF directly from clipboard content, pictures, screenshots or web pages.

5. PDF's extensive

It is precisely because of the global popularity of PDF that PDF is still widely used and cannot be replaced in a short time. Therefore, investing in PDF software is worthwhile and will pay you handsomely in the long run. For example, PDF Reader Pro is a great option for all your PDF needs.

6. PDF's easy operability 

PDF’s easy operability


One of the main reasons for the popularity of the PDF format today is its ease of creation. The vast majority of applications allow you to save the current file as a PDF, allowing you to easily copy, share or transfer PDF files anywhere. Even with Microsoft's Word, Excel, or PPT applications, you can export documents to PDF on your Mac and then read them in PDF Expert.



What need to pay attention to when using PDF format in printing?


1. The pictures is in at least 300DPI.

2. In CMYK colors, not RGB. As RGB will change the to CMYK auto by us. If CMYK we will guarantee print same color as original artwork. 

3. If black text, is better to design 100% black, not compose of CMYK colors. As 100% black is cheaper than CMYK black. 

4. Full bleed each side abt 0.12inchs.(3mm)

5. Convert all text to outlines. 


Why printers recommend you send PDF file for printing?


When you planning to print your project, send printing file to printer is necessary. Send PDF file to printer is easier for them to process the printing and allow clients quickly upload their file, so that to save more time. A PDF file is the perfect file format to send for printing, because of its portability, security, convenience, flexibility,etc