Dear Class of 2099

Isabelle Cloy 

Tonia Pahari 

ENGL 2130 

22 January 2020 

 Dear Class of 2099 

The year is 2020 and the Earth is rapidly dying. Countless species are becoming extinct due to poaching and dangerous chemicals and gases they should not be exposed to. The planet is getting hotter every day and yet, so few seem to have a sense of urgency. People are doing so little to help that it feels like nobody cares. Do people realize that there is no second Earth? Are people aware that if we want our children and grandchildren to be able to play outside, breathe fresh air, and know what a leopard is then we must do our best to reverse the damage we have already caused to our home planet? I hope that by 2099 people have realized the error of their ways and the planet is beginning to heal. Our Earth is a precious gift that we must remember not to take advantage of and truly cherish every second we spend in nature. There is only one planet Earth, we need to do our best to protect it and the animals that call this planet home in order to ensure future generations are able to enjoy its natural beauty.  

As our Earth gets older it is exposed to more dangerous and detrimental chemicals and gases. These chemicals and gases cause a gigantic issue facing our Earth today; global warming. Global warming is causing a plethora of environmental issues today. Global warming occurs when CO2 and pollutants get trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere. This is the cause of many natural disasters, and rising temperatures across the globe. To help stop the warming of our planet it is imperative that we start limiting the use of such harmful chemicals and gases.    

So many of the horrendous things we expose our planet to affect the animals that inhabit Earth greatly too. Everyday more and more species are becoming extinct. In 2020, more than 100 species of animals have become extinct. At the planet’s current rate, it would greatly surprise me if we still have rhinoceroses, leopards, and sea turtles in 2099. 

In addition to the natural threat animals face, many species are close to extinction due to poaching. Poaching is the illegal action of hunting animals on someone else’s property for sport. From 2011-2014 nearly 100,000 elephants were killed due to poaching. Elephants are near extinction due to the reckless and unmoral actions of poachers. If we truly want to protect these animals from the threat of poachers, we need to act quickly and drastically.  

Due to the fact that the planet is suffering massively, it is extremely important to enjoy the beautiful nature all around us. The memories we have in nature may be the only bit of nature we have left in 2099. Some of my most treasured memories of nature are simply observing the beauty surrounding me every day. I try my best to pay attention to the small things, whether it is the Henbit growing in the yard or the Robins singing in the trees. Even though my best moments in nature are fairly simple, it is still important to remember to enjoy the little things in nature. 

 In the year 2099 I sincerely hope that the Earth was withstood the damage previous generations have caused. I hope that elephants are not extinct, and that honeybees still buzz about. I hope that when you read this letter all of my fears and concerns for our environment are not a threat anymore. The planet Earth and its environment are unlike anything that has ever been created, and it is up to us to maintain this fascinating gift to mankind.