Personal Injury Solicitors

Personal Injury Solicitors: Questions That Determine

If They’re Right For You



Personal injury solicitors exist to investigate claims and evaluate merits of a client’s case. Their job requires evidence gathering, researching case laws, and counselling clients – all of which can only be executed by the right lawyer. Indeed, their tasks aren’t simple so it is only crucial for clients to do research first hand before they could expect the best services these legal experts could offer.

Part of client research is formulating questions relevant to the undertakings of a personal injury solicitor. To ensure a good fit with one’s case, clients must remember to ask several things such as a legal counsel’s specialisations and experience, their availability for face-to-face interviews, compensation rates, who is accountable for payment of legal fees, the options for funding claims, and longevity of their services. For specified details on such matters, be guided by the details below.    


How much personal injury experience do you have?


Personal injury solicitors deal with different work types and divide their time with each of them.  Ideally, your chosen solicitor will spend all of their time dealing with personal injury matters and should be happy to talk about other claims he or she has dealt with that are similar to yours.


What are the options for funding my claim?


Here are various ways of funding a personal injury case, and in the vast majority of cases, you will not need to pay a penny. The options available may include a ‘no-win, no-fee’ arrangement, or funding via an existing or new insurance policy. The best personal injury claims solicitors are able to clearly discuss various funding types to their clients and are able to match which one is most suitable for them.   


Will you deal with my case from start to finish?


Injury cases are, by their nature, personal and your solicitor will need to review your medical notes, and read expert reports on your prognosis. For this reason, most clients prefer the same person to handle their claim from start to finish. Further, some claims can be very complicated. The best personal injury claims solicitors have good comprehension of each of their client’s cases and have thorough preparations in case unexpected issues occur.   


Can we set a face-to-face meeting?


Before making decisions on hiring a personal injury solicitor, it’s wise to meet each potential one face-to-face. Get in contact to arrange a meeting and bring a list of questions you would like answered. At this point you may like to briefly discuss your case and the likelihood of a successful compensation claim, the process that would be involved, the costs that would be incurred, and everything under the sun. This way you can ensure all your queries are resolved and you can proceed in confidence.


Do you specialise on a specific area?


Whether you’ve suffered an injury at work or abroad, or have been a victim of medical negligence, it’s essential to enlist the services of a solicitor with experience in a specific area. For example, one solicitor may have a vast experience dealing with road accident claims while others are experienced in medical negligence. The best personal injury solicitors Ireland wide have accreditations and award recognitions as proof of their excellent services. To make your search easier, you can read online reviews


How much compensation will I get?


How much compensation you will get very much depends upon what injuries you have suffered from, how they have affected you and how they might affect you in the future. The best personal injury solicitors Ireland wide ensure that clients get what they deserve to get. They should be able to give you advice about how claims are valued and how much your claim is worth. It’s important that they have accumulated an enormous amount of experience over the years and use it to your advantage in terms of getting as much compensation for you as possible.


Who will pay my legal fees?


Before hiring a solicitor, you have to ask them who is responsible in paying your legal fees. If your solicitor deals with cases on a no win no fee basis, this means they will not charge you anything if your claim is not successful. If your case is successful, ordinarily most of your fees will be paid by your opponent.  Some legal fees might have to be deducted from your compensation at the end of the case.  This might depend, for example, on whether you are a member of a union or if you have legal expense insurance. If we think you have a good case and if you want to proceed, then ask your solicitor the best path to take in terms of how your claim is 'funded'.

Personal injury solicitors can aid clients in many ways but before they do so, clients have the obligation of picking the right one first. By noting and asking such questions to each potential legal counsel, clients would easily gauge their financial compatibility and credibility assurance towards the best attorney. Familiarity on the options regarding funding claims and legal fees would already set the record straight for clients.