Peru earthquake today tsunami

Yesterday, Peru was shaken by a devastating earthquake, triggering a deadly tsunami that has left a trail of destruction. The earthquake, with a magnitude of 8.0, struck just off the coast of Peru, causing widespread damage and panic.

The earthquake struck at around 7:50 PM local time, sending shockwaves through the coastal regions of Peru. Buildings collapsed, roads were damaged, and homes were destroyed. The earthquake was felt as far away as Santiago, Chile, and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In the aftermath of the earthquake, a tsunami warning was issued for the entire Pacific coast of South America. Coastal areas were evacuated as residents fled to higher ground. The tsunami waves, which reached heights of up to 10 meters, struck the Peruvian coast just hours after the earthquake.

The tsunami caused widespread damage to coastal communities. Homes and businesses were destroyed, and roads and bridges were washed away. The death toll from the earthquake and tsunami is still rising, but it is estimated that hundreds of people have been killed.

The Peruvian government has declared a state of emergency in the affected areas, and international aid is beginning to arrive. Rescue workers are searching for survivors, and medical teams are treating the injured. The government has also set up shelters for those who have lost their homes.

The earthquake and tsunami have had a devastating impact on Peru. Many lives have been lost, and communities have been destroyed. The government and international aid agencies are working to provide assistance to those who have been affected by this tragedy.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Peru during this difficult time.