Per-Willy Amundsen in love with Facebook

Per-Willy Amundsen is in love with Facebook.

The 49-year-old politician can't seem to get enough of the social networking site and spends hours scrolling through his feed, liking and commenting on posts.

"I love Facebook," Amundsen says. "It's a great way to stay connected with friends and family, and to share what's going on in my life."

Amundsen, who is a member of the Progress Party, is one of Norway's most popular politicians. He often shares his opinions on current events and posts photos of himself meeting with constituents.

Amundsen's love of Facebook has even led him into hot water. In 2013, he was criticized for sharing a post that compared Muslims to Nazis.

"I apologize for any offense that my post caused," Amundsen said at the time. "It was not my intention to compare Muslims to Nazis."

Despite the controversy, Amundsen remains an active Facebook user. He currently has over 120,000 followers.

"I'm not going to stop using Facebook," Amundsen says. "It's a great way to connect with people and share my views."