Bed Bugs? Call the Bed Bug Exterminator

Bed bugs are a huge problem in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 out of 5 Americans have had bed bug bites. Bed bugs can be found everywhere from homes to hotels to movie theaters, so you need to take steps now to protect yourself from these pests. It is important to call an exterminator right away before they get out of hand. The longer you wait, the worse your infestation could get.

What to do About Bed Bugs

First thing is first, find out if you have a bed bug infestation in your home. To know for sure, keep an eye out for these symptoms:

• Small brown spots on mattresses or sheets may be from bed  bug excrement. Look for blood stains on the mattress, sheets and nearby furniture to see if bed bugs have been there before.

• You may also find a sweet, musty odor in your bedroom that smells very strong when you walk into your room.

• If you live in a multi-family complex, keep an eye  out for bed bugs in another apartment or suite. They can easily be spread if infestations go unnoticed and untreated.

If you suspect you have a bed bug infestation, don't panic  EcoFusion Pest Control  is here to help. Your local EcoFusion Pest Control branch offers a free inspection and consultation, and 3 steps that can be taken to get rid of your bed bug problem for good:

• Inspection: we inspect your home and identify the areas where bed bugs may have developed. We look for signs of infestation such as brown spots  on bedding from bed bug feces, shed skins from molting, and blood spots from nymphs who have just hatched.

• Consultation: we explain how a typical infestation may have developed in your home, and also explain the steps you can take to help control the spread of bed bugs.

•Bed Bug Treatment: we will  treat your home using non-toxic chemicals, and offer tips for maintaining control over the bed bugs.

Each Bed Bug treatment package includes 1 to 3 treatments , depending on the size of your home and/or business . We back up our entire service with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We can help you get rid of your bed bug infestation, and keep it from coming back!. f you have bed bugs, don't wait. The longer they remain in your home or business, the harder it will be to get rid of them! Don't let someone tell you that there is nothing that can be done about a bed bug infestation. We offer each of our clients an effective and lasting solution for getting rid of bed bug.

It’s time to stop living with pests. We are ready and waiting for your call about our pest control services, which includes a knowledgeable staff that will answer any questions you may have as well as ensure the job gets done right! If there is ever an issue with one of these programs please don't hesitate in contacting us because it could save hours or days off work depending on how quickly they need their problem fixed.



Company Details:

Company name: EcoFusion Pest Control

Address: 1 Grove St, Montclair, NJ 07042, United States

Phone no: +18339591008
