Phostoxin Grain Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide for Safe and Effective Application


Phostoxin® is a highly effective grain treatment used to protect stored grains from insects and pests. Its active ingredient, aluminum phosphide, releases phosphine gas when exposed to moisture, creating a toxic environment for insects.

Benefits of Phostoxin Grain Treatment

* Broad-spectrum of control: Phostoxin targets a wide range of insects, including beetles, weevils, moths, and mites.
* Rapid results: Phosphine gas penetrates grain quickly, ensuring fast and effective pest control.
* Residual protection: Phostoxin provides long-lasting protection against re-infestation.
* Safe and easy to use: When used according to instructions, Phostoxin is safe for humans and animals.

Application Guidelines

Materials Required:

* Phostoxin tablets or pellets
* Plastic tarp or gas-tight container
* Moisture absorber


1. Prepare the storage area: Remove all grains and materials from the storage facility to create an enclosed space.
2. Calculate the dosage: Determine the number of Phostoxin tablets or pellets required based on the volume of grain to be treated.
3. Apply the tablets: Place the tablets evenly throughout the grain, making sure to distribute them vertically and horizontally.
4. Cover the storage area: Seal the storage facility hermetically with a plastic tarp or place the grain in a gas-tight container.
5. Allow for exposure: Leave the storage area sealed for at least 5-7 days to allow the phosphine gas to circulate.
6. Ventilate and aerate: After the exposure period, open the storage area and ventilate the grain thoroughly before handling.

Safety Precautions

* Use Phostoxin only as directed by the manufacturer's instructions.
* Wear appropriate protective gear, including a respirator, gloves, and goggles.
* Do not enter the storage area during exposure.
* Keep out of reach of children and pets.


Phostoxin grain treatment is an effective and safe method to protect stored grains from insect infestations. By following the application guidelines and safety precautions, you can ensure the successful and responsible use of this treatment.