Picture This

“It’s like a museum,” my friend, Lucy, said when we entered the house. It was a three-story Victorian with a wrap-around porch and a turret on the top. We were there to photograph the interior. The owners, two elderly sisters, had lived there for over 50 years. They had eclectic taste, and their home was a testament to their long and full lives.

The first room we entered was the living room. It was filled with antique furniture, family portraits, and travel souvenirs. There was a large bay window that looked out onto the garden. We could see birds flitting about in the trees. It was a peaceful and inviting space.

The next room was the dining room. It was just as grand as the living room, with a long mahogany table and chairs. There was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The walls were covered in paintings, most of them landscapes. We could imagine the sisters having dinner parties in this room, with their friends and family gathered around the table.

The rest of the house was just as interesting. There was a library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. There was a music room with a grand piano. There was even a secret room hidden behind a bookcase. It was filled with the sisters’ childhood toys and games.

We spent several hours photographing the house. By the time we were finished, we felt like we had gotten to know the sisters. We had seen their lives through their possessions. It was a moving and inspiring experience.

As we were leaving, one of the sisters stopped us. She thanked us for photographing her home. She said that she was glad that we would be sharing her story with the world.

“You know,” she said, “I’ve lived in this house for a long time. I’ve seen a lot of changes in the world. But one thing that has never changed is the importance of family. This house is filled with memories of my family. It’s a place where I feel loved and supported.”

We left the house that day feeling grateful for the opportunity to have met the sisters. They had taught us the importance of family and the power of memory. We knew that we would never forget our visit to their home.

If you’re ever in the area, I highly recommend taking a tour of this beautiful home. It’s a place that will stay with you long after you’ve left.