Pippa Hackett

A Conversation with the Greens' Newest Senator

In a historic election that saw the Greens secure their first-ever Senate seat in South Australia, Pippa Hackett emerged as a beacon of hope and change. With a background in environmental activism and a passion for social justice, Pippa's journey to the upper house is a testament to the growing momentum behind progressive politics.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Pippa for a candid conversation about her remarkable journey, her vision for the future, and the challenges facing the Greens in a rapidly changing political landscape.

As we sipped our coffee in a cozy café, Pippa's enthusiasm for her work was palpable. She spoke with a quiet determination, her voice resonating with a deep understanding of the issues that matter most to South Australians.

"I entered politics because I saw a need for a stronger voice for the environment, for social justice, and for the people who have been left behind," she explained. "I believe that the Greens represent the values and aspirations of a growing number of Australians who are demanding a more sustainable, equitable, and just society."

  • Tackling Climate Change: Pippa is a staunch advocate for bold climate action. She believes that the Greens are the only party with a comprehensive plan to transition Australia to a zero-emissions economy, create jobs, and protect our natural environment.
  • Social Justice: Pippa is also passionate about addressing inequality and promoting social justice. She supports policies that guarantee a decent standard of living for all Australians, including affordable housing, quality healthcare, and access to education.
  • Strengthening Democracy: Pippa believes that our democracy is under threat from corporate influence and the rise of populism. She supports electoral reform, greater transparency, and measures to protect our free press.

Despite the challenges ahead, Pippa is optimistic about the future. She believes that the Greens can play a vital role in shaping a more sustainable, just, and equitable society for all.

"I'm not naïve, I know that it will take hard work and dedication to achieve our goals," she said. "But I'm inspired by the growing movement of people who are demanding change. Together, we can create a brighter future for South Australia and for the nation as a whole."

Pippa's journey is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, optimism and perseverance can prevail. Her election to the Senate is a testament to the growing power of the Greens and the increasing demand for progressive politics in Australia.

Call to Action:

If you believe in the values that Pippa Hackett and the Greens represent, I encourage you to get involved in the movement. Attend rallies, volunteer your time, and support candidates who are committed to building a better future for all Australians. Together, we can create a more sustainable, just, and equitable society for generations to come.