Hot-Water Boiler Repair

Understanding how a hot-water boiler works and   Plumber Cape Coral, FL   maintaining one can make it trouble free longer. This Fix-It Guide on hot-water boiler repair tells how a hot-water boiler works, what often goes wrong, how to identify the hot-water boiler problem, and what parts and tools you will need to fix it. It then gives simple step-by-step instructions for how to troubleshoot an expansion tank, how to flush a hot-water boiler of rusty water, and how to bleed a radiator. You may need to refer to switch repair, fuse repair, and circuit breaker repair. Also see the Steam Boiler Fix-It Guide for steam boiler repair.

How Does a Hot-Water Boiler Work?
A hot-water heating system consists of a boiler to heat (but not boil) water, a network of pipes that distributes the water, and radiators that heat various rooms. A hot-water heating system uses the same type of boiler that a steam heating system uses. Controls include a combination gauge (or altitude gauge) that lets you check water temperature and pressure and lets you know when the boiler needs water or is malfunctioning. In some systems, a pressure-reducing valve takes care of the water automatically. The typical system also has an expansion tank that must be properly charged with air to prevent the water from boiling. Newer systems usually locate the expansion tank on the basement ceiling near the boiler; they also include a purge valve to release water and let in air as needed. Older systems sometimes have the expansion tank in the attic and include a gauge glass similar to that on a steam boiler.

What Can Go Wrong with a Hot-Water Boiler?
Because they have few mechanical parts, hot-water heating systems usually perform reliably for many years. The most common problems are with the expansion tank or a circulator rather than the boiler. Here are some symptoms of problems: A hot-water system may produce no heat or poor heat and leaks can occur. Some radiators may not heat while others do. Pipes may make a clanging noise.

Place a pan of water on top of a radiator to add humidity to the air during the winter, if needed.

How Can I Identify a Hot-Water Boiler Problem?
If the unit produces no heat, raise the thermostat, check switches, fuses, circuit breakers, and the water level. Also check the burner’s safety controls (see below).

If the unit doesn’t produce enough heat, check the combination gauge, then the expansion tank (see below). Next, flush the boiler (see below). If water leaks from a heating system pipe, try repairing it yourself.
If only some radiators in the system heat up, bleed air from the cool units (see below). If you suspect that the circulator requires repair, call an experienced service person.

If the pipes suddenly start clanging, the circulator may need professional service or replacement.
If there is a chronic banging noise, check the slope of all return lines; they must slope toward the boiler to work correctly.
If a single radiator warms only slightly, but evenly, water may be trapped inside. Make sure the radiator slopes toward the return; if it does not, insert a wooden shim under the end opposite the return.