Poo-Poo at the Sooke Potholes

The Sooke Potholes are a series of deep, smooth-sided potholes carved into the bedrock of the Sooke River on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. They were created by the erosive action of swirling water over thousands of years.

The potholes are a popular tourist destination, and visitors can swim, wade, or relax on the rocks. However, there is one problem with the potholes: they are often filled with poop.

The poop comes from the many animals that live in the area, including bears, cougars, deer, and raccoons. These animals often use the potholes as a toilet, and their waste can make the water unsafe for swimming.

In addition to the animal waste, the potholes are also polluted by human waste. Many visitors to the potholes do not use the toilets that are provided, and instead they relieve themselves in the river. This can also make the water unsafe for swimming.

The pollution of the Sooke Potholes is a serious problem. It can make the water unsafe for swimming, and it can also damage the environment. The Sooke Potholes are a beautiful place, and it is important to keep them clean for future generations.

There are a few things that can be done to reduce the pollution of the Sooke Potholes. First, visitors to the potholes should always use the toilets that are provided. Second, the government should do more to educate people about the importance of keeping the potholes clean. Finally, the government should provide more funding for the cleanup of the potholes.

By taking these steps, we can help to keep the Sooke Potholes clean and safe for future generations.

  • The Sooke Potholes are a beautiful place, but they are often filled with poop.
  • The poop comes from animals and humans.
  • The pollution of the Sooke Potholes is a serious problem.
  • There are a few things that can be done to reduce the pollution of the Sooke Potholes.
  • By taking these steps, we can help to keep the Sooke Potholes clean and safe for future generations.
  • Have you ever been to the Sooke Potholes? What did you think of them? Let me know in the comments below.