Portfolio Management of Herrand Associates Wealth Management Singapore, Tokyo Japan


Herrand Associates employs a holistic approach to two kinds of Portfolio Management requirements: Discretionary and Advisory. Whichever clients choose, portfolio strategies involve meticulous decisions that highlight a risk-sensitive method.

Portfolio Design

Being an independent company that offers wealth management answers, Herrand Associates uses its worldwide knowhow to provide tailor-fitted investment solutions. Every client portfolio is developed to suit unique client needs and to produce investment gains in general terms. In essence, every client obtains a yardstick with which financial goals will be achieved in collaboration with Herrand Associates.

Investment Process

Herrand Associates delivers excellent Investment service founded on a clear, diversified and effectively handled strategy that aims to pinpoint growing trends using company-sourced and third-party current research.

Strategic View

Meticulous evaluation of the worldwide economic and political realities assures fundamentals that serve to predict market fluctuations. Applying this view, Herrand Associates combines effective asset-distribution with specific Client Investment Profiles.

Viable Asset Allocation

Herrand Associates conducts a series of endurance tests to assess the impact of portfolio diversification in terms of performance. As predicted, when markets swing one way, the rest of the portfolio components will swing another way.

Investment Answers

Choosing investment instruments with high potential yield is a vital step in maintaining long-term performance. Technical and fundamental investigation is consistently designed to handle market movements, present portfolio distributions and projected results. This crucial procedure assures our clients with broad experience in effectively managing investments under all kinds of adverse or positive forms of market fluctuations.

Managing Implementation

The Herrand Associates Investment Committee has the capability to choose what to buy and when to buy, providing clients with the advantage of comprehending the methods used and to assure that their investments stay on target while the portfolio remains balanced to deliver maximum returns. Evaluation of performance, regular monitoring and documentation also address the requirements of every client.