professional wildlife control

Rodent gnaw on wires, destroy food stuff and even spread disease throughout our homes. Rodents are an ongoing threat. The cost involved in controlling an out of control Rat or Mouse population is minimal in comparison with the damage they can cause. Rat infest ceiling spaces chewing wired and keeping you away at night while Mice infest floor spaces and spread dangerous diseases.

Rodents need a place to crash and stash food they have spent all night foraging for. By removing potential harbourage spots your effectively limiting their safety and security. Building rubble, compost heaps and even basement and ceiling spaces are all potential harbourage spots.

The access to food and water is fundamental for a Rodents survival. Your can limit their food by making sure your cupboards close properly and free of opened plumbing holes. Bread and fruit must sealed and safe in closed containers. Don’t leave any pet food out and

Rodents are here to stay. Its up to each and every one of us to ensure our home and workplaces are free and safe from ever impending Rodent infestations. Critterone is proudly Austin’s premier choice for pest control.  We provide safe, fast and effective pest control in both domestic and commercial environments. Our highly trained Pest Control Technicians are skilled to identify and eradicate all pests.

We are industry leaders in competitive pricing, deliver dependable customer satisfaction and fully guarantee our services. Rest assure, Critterone is certified and accredited with all Industry Peak Bodies and follow environmentally safe pest management practices and methods.

Backed by years of pest control and wildlife exclusion experience, we provide prompt, friendly and professional wildlife control solutions through respectful and effective services that include catch and release, passive deterrence, and safe environmental modifications. We offer you a 15 month guarantee home exclusion service, a guarantee that animals do not re-enter for 15 months or the money is returned with a free service.

Critterone is a full-service wildlife control company serving Austin. We specialize in urban and suburban wildlife damage management for both residential and commercial customers. You could get in touch with us on (210) 201-0064, (210) 960-3047 or (830) 431-9064. You could also visit our website to know more about us.