Professor Marete: The Force Behind the University of Nairobi's Success

When the story of the University of Nairobi is told, one name that will always stand out is Professor Stephen Kiama Gitahi Marete. As the Vice-Chancellor from 2010 to 2019, Professor Marete played a pivotal role in shaping the university into the renowned institution it is today.

A Legacy of Excellence

Professor Marete's passion for education and his unwavering commitment to excellence were evident throughout his tenure. Under his leadership, the university witnessed a surge in research output, becoming a hub for groundbreaking discoveries. He introduced innovative programs, such as the College of Health Sciences, that responded to the changing needs of society.

Building Bridges

Beyond academia, Professor Marete fostered strong relationships with industry and international partners. He believed that the university should not exist in isolation but should actively contribute to the country's economic and social development. Through strategic partnerships, he secured funding for research initiatives and facilitated opportunities for students and faculty to gain practical experience.

A Transformative Vision

One of Professor Marete's most significant legacies is his transformative vision for the university. He envisioned a vibrant, inclusive campus where students from all backgrounds could thrive. He spearheaded initiatives to promote diversity and equity, creating a welcoming environment for students with disabilities and from marginalized communities.

A Personal Touch
  • Professor Marete's leadership style was deeply rooted in empathy and compassion. He made time to meet with students, listen to their concerns, and offer guidance.
  • One memorable incident occurred when he received a letter from a student who was struggling financially. Moved by the student's plight, Professor Marete personally reached out to offer support.

    Recognition and Accolades

    Professor Marete's exceptional contributions to the University of Nairobi have been widely recognized. He has received numerous awards and accolades, including the Order of the Grand Warrior of Kenya, the highest national honor bestowed upon civilians.

    Beyond the Ivory Tower

    Professor Marete's legacy extends beyond the confines of the university. He is an active advocate for higher education in Kenya and serves on various boards and committees that shape national policy.

    A Call to Action

    As we celebrate the legacy of Professor Stephen Kiama Gitahi Marete, let us draw inspiration from his unwavering dedication to excellence, his commitment to building bridges, and his transformative vision. Let us emulate his example and strive to make the University of Nairobi a beacon of knowledge, innovation, and inclusivity for generations to come.