Proper Gun Cleaning Steps that every Gun Owner Must Follow

Handguns San Diego

San Diego gun stores

Acquiring a gun can be a source of real kick, adrenaline and high but trust me it’s a big responsibility. All gun owners need to be mindful about the fact that their firearm can be a cause of death if not managed properly. Not only do they need to invest in a good quality gun safe but they also need to make sure that they clean, maintain and keep the gun in the best condition. Cleaning of the gun is directly related to its performance, safety of others and making sure your investment remains lifelong. San Diego handguns are trusted weapons that will last you a lifetime if loved and taken care of well. Regular cleaning sessions will ensure your gun never abandons you in a life threatening situation nor does the performance of your gun drop over the years.

People often think that they need to clean their gun after every couple of uses. But the correct answer lies in how you use it, where you use it and how often do you use it? A good rule of thumb is to give your gun a basic cleaning after every 300 rounds are fired and a deeper cleaning is required after every 3000 rounds. If you mostly use your gun on training sessions or ranges then it's more likely that you fire a lot of rounds and would not be able to keep track of the rounds fired so it’s better to do a basic cleaning every other day. If your gun use is mostly for hunting, then you might not fire many rounds but the environmental conditions can hamper its performance so make sure you deep clean after every hunting session. Lastly if your gun is only for protection purposes or a collectors item, it won’t be in too much use so occasional cleaning will do.

San Diego gun stores can’t emphasise enough on making sure that all the gun shoppers will properly clean and maintain the guns as it’s extremely important for everyone.  In this article I will tell you about the basic cleaning steps of any gun you might have so that you can get started today.

Proper Gun Cleaning Steps

1.            Unload Your Gun and Grab a Cleaning Kit

For cleaning the gun the first thing you need is to build a cleaning box which not only has all the essential items but also the specific tools for your particular gun. You can have a basic cleaning kit or a specific cleaning kit from San Diego gun stores for your firearm. These are a few basic things that all cleaning kits must have like a cleaning solvent, a bore brush, cleaning rod, cotton swabs, any lubricant, a nylon cleaning brush, a patch holder, flashlight and microfiber cloth for polishing and shining the weapon. The next crucial step for cleaning your firearm is to make sure your gun is fully unloaded. Removing the magazine doesn’t mean that your gun is unloaded, you might still have a round left so check and remove that as well. To ensure that, open the chamber and look through the barrel from back to front.

2.             Clean at a Well-lit and Well-ventilated Area

Always clean your firearm at a place that is designated for doing that, no children or elderly people should be lingering around that area. Make sure that area is not only well-lit so that you can see clearly through all the tiny parts but it also should be well-ventilated like an open garage or roof or outdoor area. Another thing to keep in mind is to always disassemble the gun according to the manual given by the manufacturers, don’t disintegrate it so much that it might malfunction when you use it next time.

3.            Cleaning the Firearm

The first step of cleaning the firearm is the barrel. This part of the gun is the most used and abused as it is where the bullet passes with lighting fast speed and this is where the residue builds up. From the cleaning kit pick up the cleaning rod, cotton swabs, cleaning solvent and bore brush and get to work. First try to break any large particles that you could see and then work from the back to the front of the barrel. Next step is to put the cleaning solvent on a new cotton swab and scrub the barrel until the swab comes out from the other side. If you are doing thorough and detailed cleaning then, also use a scruffy brush to ensure proper cleaning.

4.            Lubricate and Polish

Once you have cleaned all the parts of the firearm make sure you lubricate all the moving parts of the firearm as well so that they never malfunction. Lastly it’s time to polish the firearm and make it look like new by scrubbing it with a microfiber cloth.


Cleaning of your firearm plays a very important part in ensuring that your firearm is with you in time of need, it never malfunction nor does it stop working. Firearms are an investment and you can prolong life with just a few easy steps.