Protect Your Rights With A Whistleblower Attorney Seattle

For those good men and women in the military and employed by the government, this is a trying time to be certain, especially when they witness others in their midst breaking the law. Whether the government is guilty of false flags and fraud, or soldiers commit atrocities abroad, stepping up and exposing this is a risky venture. Anyone who finds themselves in this situation is urged to seek a whistleblower attorney Seattle
The West Coast provides a much safer haven for those who stand in opposition to government. The state rights versus federal government issue sees more exposure in California, Washington, and Oregon than anywhere else. This may be due to the marijuana laws, but that opposition has set the stage for the West Coast maintaining their rights in the face of the Feds. 
Whether anyone believes that drugs should be legalized or decriminalized, there is no denying that government should be exposed for wrongdoing in other areas. A great deal has been said about whether or not the war in Iraq was legal. There is no doubt that a great many illegal and immoral acts were committed, and the only reason anyone knows about them is due to it being exposed by citizens. 
Some Americans want to argue that these acts are always a part of war, and we should support our troops in spite of it. While many people would support this statement, they are forgetting that when a truly heinous crime goes unreported, it leaves that soldier to believe that what he or she did was acceptable. Now these soldiers are being returned state-side, thinking they have done no wrong. 
Police departments all over America are recruiting these former soldiers, so now we have these sociopathic police officers on the beat in the streets of America, thinking that they have done nothing wrong. Now we get to see some of these same acts committed against the citizenry in our own communities. When witnesses to a crime remain silent, this is the punishment we all must pay. 
Silence has been the only way many people protect themselves from the prosecutions and persecutions we have seen committed to those who have had the courage to step forward. Political climate in America was never supposed to cause fear in the citizens, but fear is what we are seeing today. However, this situation will only get worse if good people fail to step up. 
By protecting themselves through the legal process, it helps to ensure that they will not be harmed even if they are detained by authorities. When crimes are brought into the light of day, government will sometimes try to protect itself by making the witness look like a criminal. They must have someone to represent them as they go through this frightening experience. 
With some of the new laws that have been passed, it is difficult to guarantee that an attorney can be present for any questioning that takes place. However, it does put the government into a more precarious legal position. It is important to keep them exposed in the media the entire time these matters are under investigation, so no one forgets about the person exposing the crimes.
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