Dental Veneers To Maintain The Evergreen Smile

Although it is necessary to keep up the teeth in proper condition from the perspective of health, at the same time, it is also necessary to check that the teeth look appealing. But because of a number of circumstances, people suffer from tooth decay and therefore the teeth don't look attractive. The common issues associated with tooth decay include pitting, uneven surface, discoloration, yellowing or stains.

Unappealing teeth don't only look bad, but these also have a negative impact on the confidence and self-esteem of people. In this situation, seeking cosmetic dental treatment can be helpful to get the teeth back on shape. Dental veneers are a popular choice of cosmetic dental treatment. Let's get some details about this treatment:

Dental veneer- definition:

Veneers are thin strips of composite resin or porcelain that offer a shallow coating across the front surface of a person's teeth. To match with the original tooth color of the patients, veneers are mainly shaded. Therefore, this leads to a natural and pleasing looking appearance. Once veneers are placed, these can be treated as the natural tooth in terms of dental hygiene and other similar issues.

Dental veneer types:

There are two major types of dental veneers known as ceramic or porcelain veneers and composite resin alternatives. Porcelain veneers are the most durable types among the two and these rarely need any replacement until considerable time period passes. Besides, these veneers are stain-resistant and are constructed carefully to offer a completely natural and appealing look. On the other hand, the composite resin veneers are comparatively cheaper and these don't last as long as the porcelain veneers. In some cases, these veneers become discolored or stained over the time. So, before you opt for this service, you should consult with your dental practitioner, who will recommend on the type of veneer, which will be most suitable for your situation.

Reasons why people opt for dental veneers:

One of the main reasons why people opt for dental veneers is that these come with a comparatively long life-span. Dental treatment procedure like tooth whitening is only capable of making a short-term difference to the teeth's appearance and therefore it is a must to repeat that process regularly for experiencing the improvement. The best thing about veneers is that these don't compromise on the tooth or gum health. In fact, veneer is helpful in prolonging the life of tooth by offering a much-required protection layer. Another great thing about dental veneer treatment is that it is non-invasive and painless Protheses sur implant .

Who can get dental veneers?

Any adults can get dental veneers as these are widely tolerated intervention. Perfect for altering both the entire row and each tooth, veneers are mainly used for achieving a high-grade result. Besides, being attractive, cost-effective and easy to fit, these veneers work as the ideal method to get the desired smile.

Dr Alain Méthot, Dentiste Esthétique - Créateur de sourire


1555 Bd de l'Avenir Suite 206  Laval, QC, H7S 2N5