Things You Should Do When Filling the PSG Pre-Approved Vendor Application Form


Do you want to get funding to help you with digital marketing campaign? Or maybe you’re finally ready to incorporate digital solutions to your business in Singapore but are running on a tight budget? If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then it might be the perfect time to take advantage of what the Productivity Solutions Grant offers SMEs in Singapore.


Thanks to the PSG grant, you can now access the funds you need to bring your digital solutions to light. As is with any other grant you decide to leverage, it pays off to determine what it entails before filling PSG pre-approved vendor application form. Fortunately, that’s what this simple guide will help you unearth today. Keep reading to find out more before deciding on anything!


If you have done your homework, you probably already know that the PSG grant subsidizes the costs of pre-approved digital solutions by up to 80%.  If you are pre-approved for this grant, it means that you can enjoy the different digital marketing solutions at a significant discount. This is especially the case when you want to improve your business processes by adopting IT solutions. All it takes is for you to count on a reputable pre-approved vendor for PSG, and you’re good to go.


Just because you have heard the chance to check the list of approved vendor for PSG grant, it is not to say you should rush into filling the online application form. After all, chances are you might not be eligible for PSG grants in Singapore. That’s why you need to look into the eligibility criteria for getting PSG marketing grant before moving on to the next step.


To help clear some of the doubts in your mind, you need to be a Singapore incorporated entity and boast an annual turnover of less than S$100 million. It doesn’t stop at that since you need to be an active business that is operational with a Singapore office at the point of application. Luckily, a reputable pre-approved vendor PSG will let you know about this without the hassle.


There is more that you need to know about the PSG grant than what you think in the first place. No wonder you should spend some time doing your due diligence before you finally start searching around for the best PSG grant vendor to leverage.