PT XL Axiata Shutter Business Actors in Space Data

Construction of the data storage center, allegedly can accommodate infentasi path of the infrastructure development sector of Science Technology (IT) which is growing rapidly in Indonesia. Yusuf Ridwan, responsible Xcloud Data Center Pekanbaru said the current business growth in Indonesia continues to increase up to 5 to 6 percent per year. The product business telecommunications companies such as voice, SMS, and vocer pulse. Increasingly will gradually displaced. Even all these excellent pasilitas, now no longer reliable, due to the impact of the economic market progress using a server-based technology. "IT is a mandatory requirement once a trend that is loved by the community and the IT company. So the construction of this data center, an opportunity which is very promising for the future, "said Yusuf Ridwan which gives the percentage in building Data Center Pekanbaru, Wednesday (19/11).


Most employers are reluctant to bother with building the data, as well as purchase of equipment and software, the cost is quite high. Ridwan said to Joseph, so the choice of the current company, a third party who is able to provide space to accommodate the data in their servers. "Many companies in Indonesia store data servers overseas. With the building of data centers in our own country, we expect all business opportunities infentasi data coming from Indonesia, could come back into his own country, "he said.  To keep up with all of the data storage service providers. PT XL Axiata TBK rely Xcloud concept, with data center storage triangle Concept, diasaster Recovery Center (DRC), and On Intregrated stop solution.  "So we guarantee all customer data storage with low overhead equipment and sefety layered. For now there are about 15 koporasi that berrgabung with us. And our target this year, about 20 corporations, "he explained. Meanwhile, JM opration Data Center Manager of PT XL Axiata.


Region Central Sumatra (Sumbagteng) Hendra said. It has been building data centers in Pekanbaru, since 2013 ago. An area which provided about 2000 meters, the capacity of 510 racks, and power capacity of 3,150 kilovolt amperes. "We not only menginfentasikan data center building is just to XL. We invite all interested parties to join our company," he said. Hendra added, for the future, it plans to build a data center building in all areas and urban Mentropolis in Indonesia. So it can harden around the archiving of data, as well as promote the latest breakthrough business opportunities.