Pub Gardens: Where Will You Go to Smoke?

If you're a smoker, the news of a potential ban on smoking in pub gardens may have left you a little hazy. After all, what's a pint without a fag?

As someone who enjoys a cheeky cigarette with my pint, I must admit that this topic has me feeling a little on edge. I mean, where will I go to smoke? The toilets? The bins? Behind the bike shed? The thought of sneaking off to have a sneaky puff feels like something out of my awkward teenage years.

I know the arguments for a ban. They say it's a health hazard, that it affects non-smokers, and that it's the only way to truly make pubs smoke-free. But I can't help but feel like it's a bit of a nanny-state move. After all, it's an outdoor space, and people can choose to sit elsewhere if they don't like the smell of stale tobacco.

I also can't help but feel a bit of nostalgia. I've shared many a happy hour with friends and family in pub gardens up and down the country. The smoke has always been a part of that atmosphere, and it would be sad to see it disappear.

I'm not saying that a ban on smoking in pub gardens is a bad thing. I understand the arguments in favor of it. But I do think it's a shame that smokers will lose a bit of their freedom. And I can't help but wonder if it's a sign of a society that's becoming increasingly intolerant of those who choose to smoke.

So, what's a smoker to do? Are we to be banished to the fringes of society, huddled together in dingy little smoking shelters? Or are we to give up the habit altogether? I'm not sure I'm ready for either of those options just yet.

For now, I'll just have to make the most of these last few months of smoking in pub gardens. I'll savor every puff, and I'll enjoy the company of my fellow smokers. And when the ban does eventually come into force, I'll just have to find a new spot to light up. Maybe I'll take up vaping. Or maybe I'll just take up drinking at home. Who needs pubs anyway?"