Qatar Airways flight turbulence: A harrowing experience and its aftermath

I recently had the harrowing experience of being on a Qatar Airways flight that encountered severe turbulence. It was a terrifying ordeal that left me shaken and wondering what could have happened.
The flight was from Doha to London Heathrow, and it was about halfway through when the turbulence hit. The plane was suddenly thrown around violently, and I was thrown from my seat. I hit my head on the overhead bin and was knocked unconscious.
When I woke up, the turbulence was still going on, and I was in a state of shock. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I looked around and saw that other passengers were also injured. Some were bleeding, and others were crying.
The cabin crew was doing their best to help the injured passengers, but it was clear that they were overwhelmed. There were not enough of them to help everyone, and they were struggling to keep up with the demand.
After about 30 minutes, the turbulence finally subsided, and the plane was able to land safely. I was relieved to be on solid ground, but I was still in a lot of pain. I had a headache, and my neck was sore.
I went to the hospital to get checked out, and I was diagnosed with a concussion. I was also told that I had a few cuts and bruises. I was lucky to be alive.
The experience has left me traumatized. I'm still afraid to fly, and I have nightmares about the turbulence. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to fly again without being afraid.
I'm grateful to the cabin crew for their help, but I think Qatar Airways could have done more to prevent this from happening. They should have warned passengers about the potential for turbulence, and they should have had more cabin crew on board to help in case of an emergency.
I'm sharing my story so that other passengers can be aware of the risks of flying. I hope that Qatar Airways will take my experience into consideration and make changes to their policies and procedures to prevent something like this from happening again.
In the meantime, I'm trying to move on from this experience and get back to my normal life. It's going to take some time, but I'm determined to overcome my fear of flying and live my life to the fullest.