Qing Perreau: The Girl Who Changed My Life

Do you know how you can have an ordinary day, and then you meet someone who changes your entire world? That's what happened to me when I met Qing Perreau.
I was at a coffee shop, trying to finish some work, when she sat down at my table. She had this amazing smile, and she was so friendly. We started talking, and I found out that she was also a writer. I was so inspired by her story, and I knew that I had to write a song about her.
Qing Perreau, Qing Perreau
You're the one who makes my dreams come true
Qing Perreau, Qing Perreau
I'm so lucky to have you in my life

She's smart, she's funny, and she's always there for me. She's the best friend I could ever ask for. I'm so grateful that I met Qing Perreau. She's made my life so much better.
Qing Perreau, Qing Perreau
You're the one who makes my dreams come true
Qing Perreau, Qing Perreau
I'm so lucky to have you in my life

I know that I'm not the only one who feels this way about Qing Perreau. She's a truly special person, and I'm so lucky to have her in my life. If you ever get the chance to meet her, don't pass it up. She's someone you'll never forget.
Qing Perreau, Qing Perreau
You're the one who makes my dreams come true
Qing Perreau, Qing Perreau
I'm so lucky to have you in my life