What is Payroll Software? Everything You Need to Know

Payroll software is one of the most essential tools for startups and SMEs. I'll tell you why. Payroll falls under the monthly "core expenses" in any startup. Now you may be thinking that COVID-19 has changed the payroll game. The answer is yes and no.

Yes, payroll execution processes and their complexities have changed. Remote working conditions need a "cloud-based payroll technology". Now let me tell you why the conventional payroll game is fundamentally the same. Regardless of the size of your business, getting payroll wrong has serious repercussions. It is NEVER okay to overlook payroll and what it entails. Don't worry, I'm here to help you figure things out.


What is Payroll?

First, let's answer the question, "what is payroll?" You know me, always starting with the basics. Payroll, in its simplest terms, is the process of paying your company's employees. Payroll includes everything from collecting employee data, tracking the number of hours worked, calculating wages, distributing pay stubs, and recording payroll expenses.


What components are part of the payroll process?

Earnings (including allowances) and deductions are the three main components of an employee's payroll.


1. Earnings and Allocations

Basic Earnings

Basic income includes the monetary amount that a salaried employee receives each month. This amount does not include any tax payments or deductions. Basic salary income includes bonuses, overtime wages and additional compensation.


House rental subsidy

House rental subsidy is the subsidy provided to employees for accommodation in rental houses. Also, employees living in metropolitan cities can get up to 50% of the salary amount. In all other cities, the HRA is up to 40% of income.


Cost of living allowance

Workers are also given a certain amount of wages as dearness allowance. The DA is different for government workers and private sector employees. According to the latest regulations, the dearness allowance is 21% of salary for employees and pensioners.


Leave collection

The license charge is defined as the number of paid licenses that are not used by the employee. As you may know, each salaried employee is entitled to a few annual paid vacations. In situations where the employee does not use their paid leave, the employer must pay the required amount in relation to that number of days.



A bonus refers to a reward given to the employee by the employer. Additionally, bonuses are given as a way to show appreciation for good work and keep employees motivated. Bonds are taxable at a rate of 30%. However, after the addition of a 4% cessation tax, a bonus is taxed at 31.2%.



Additional commissions or compensation work differently in different organizations. A commission is usually a sum of money paid upon completion of a particular task. In addition, it can also be provided on sales of a certain amount of goods or services. Commissions can be paid in addition to salary or in lieu of salary.


Children's education allowance

Child Education Grant (CEA) is the grant given to employees to educate their children. The CEA is granted as INR 100/month per child for a maximum of 2 children. CEA is classified as a tax benefit for employees to reduce their taxable wages.


Subsidy for shelter expenses

The Subsidy for Shelter Expenses or Subsidy for Shelters is similar to the CEA. Therefore, it is also a tax benefit. The shelter allowance is given at INR 300/month per child for a maximum of 2 children.


Transport allowance

Transport assignment is also known as transport assignment. In addition, it is awarded by the employer to employees who travel from their residences to the workplace during the period of employment. TA can be a fixed or variable amount and is a tax-deductible benefit. Additionally, the transportation subsidy applies only to salaried employees and is assessed for TDS.


Helper Assignment

The Indian Income Tax Department states: Helper Allowance or Assistant Allowance is exempt to the extent of expenses incurred in helping duties for the benefit of the company. Subsequently, it is partially taxable.

What is payroll software compliance?

Payroll compliances are the set of laws that a country has for native business owners. I'm sure you don't want your business to have a tainted compliance record. To make sure of that, it's important to understand what compliances you need to follow.

Complying with legal requirements can help make it easier for you to expand your business. It also shows that you are responsible to government laws. This helps your employees retain their confidence in you and your work practices. Since compliances are so integral to running the business, be sure to invest in payroll compliance software as well.


Why should you use payroll software?

We've come to the part you're probably not sure about. I understand the natural resistance to change. However, remember that software is eating the world. While manual payroll system is simple, it's a major roadblock to new business growth. If you just want to dip your toes in, start by running payroll automation in Excel.


Automate payroll

One of the most important features is payroll automation. Payroll software can automate complex calculations. In addition, it eliminates the risks of human error. Even features like year-end reports can be organized easily, easily and efficiently.


Expense Tracking

Payroll is not a one-time action. It's a recurring expense for any business, so it's more important to invest in software for the long haul. Like I said, manual payroll tends to get difficult and imprecise as the business grows. Payroll software helps increase visibility into monthly payroll by tracking expenses and creating records. Your profit and loss statements depend heavily on business expenses, so don't let them slip your mind!


 Secure payroll data

Payroll information includes vital employee details such as wages, taxes, bank account details, and more. By enhancing data privacy through access controls, payroll software maintains maximum data confidentiality. It allows staff collaboration and a simple interface, but only allows the payroll team to see the necessary details.


Efficient Tax Management

I know for a fact that you don't want your business to be penalized for inaccurate tax payments. Payroll software helps you adapt to changing tax regulations, choose which statutes apply to your business, manage FP contributions, etc. Consequently, this increases the reputation of the employer, as they will see you as an organization that makes reliable decisions about tax deductions.


Easy application integration

If all of this sounds unwieldy, I have a surprise for you. Payroll system Philippines allows multiple people to receive payroll entries each month. By integrating with your daily work platforms, such as Slack or MS Teams, payroll software enables data access across all workspaces. Asanify payroll chatbot streamlines payroll operations through seamless app integrations.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities, such as accounting, procurement, project management, risk and compliance management, and supply chain operations. A complete ERP suite also includes business performance management, software that helps plan, budget, forecast, and report on an organization's financial results.


What is ERP?

ERP systems tie together a multitude of business processes and enable the flow of data between them. By collecting an organization's shared transactional data from multiple sources, ERP systems eliminate data duplication and provide data integrity with a single source of truth.

Today, ERP systems are essential for managing thousands of companies of all sizes and in all industries. For these companies, ERP is as indispensable as the electricity that keeps the lights on.


What is an ERP system?

How can these solutions manage the daily business activities of organizations, such as accounting, finance, procurement, project management, supply chain, and manufacturing?

Enterprise resource planning systems are complete, integrated platforms, whether on-premises or in the cloud, that manage all aspects of a production-based or distribution business. Furthermore, ERP systems support all aspects of financial management, human resources, supply chain management, and manufacturing with its central accounting function.

ERP systems will also bring transparency into your entire business process by tracking all aspects of production, logistics, and finance. These integrated systems act as a company's central hub for end-to-end workflow and data, allowing access to a variety of departments.

ERP Software Philippines and systems support multiple features in small and midsize businesses, including customizations for your industry.



For more info visit - https://www.qne.com.ph/