Quentin Tarantino Movie Critic

It's no secret that Quentin Tarantino is one of the most celebrated directors in Hollywood. His films are known for their violence, their stylish visuals, and their complex characters. Tarantino's unique style has earned him both critical acclaim and commercial success.
But what does Tarantino look for in a movie? What are his criteria for judging a film's worthiness? In a recent interview, Tarantino shared his thoughts on what makes a great movie.

"For me, the most important thing is the story," Tarantino said. "I want to be entertained. I want to be taken on a journey. I want to feel something."
Tarantino went on to say that he also values originality and creativity. "I love movies that do something new," he said. "I love movies that surprise me. I love movies that make me think."

Tarantino may be best known for his violent films, but he says that violence is not essential to a good movie. "Violence can be a very effective tool," he said. "But it's not the only way to tell a story. There are many other ways to create tension and suspense."
In the end, Tarantino said, the most important thing is that a movie is able to entertain the audience. "If a movie can do that, then it's a success," he said.
So, what are Tarantino's favorite movies? What films does he consider to be the best of the best? Here's a list of Tarantino's top 10 favorite movies:

  • Taxi Driver (1976)
  • Raging Bull (1980)
  • The Godfather (1972)
  • The Godfather Part II (1974)
  • Goodfellas (1990)
  • Pulp Fiction (1994)
  • Reservoir Dogs (1992)
  • Jackie Brown (1997)
  • Django Unchained (2012)
  • Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Tarantino's favorite movies are a diverse bunch, but they all share one common quality: they're all great stories. Tarantino is a master storyteller, and he knows how to keep an audience entertained from beginning to end. If you're looking for a great movie to watch, check out one of Tarantino's favorites. You won't be disappointed.