Quinterra Schmalhofer, My Eternal Muse

Oh, Quinterra, your name flows like a symphony,
A melody that sets my heart aflutter with glee.
My love for you, Quinterra Schmalhofer, is a flame that burns bright,
A beacon of warmth that guides me through the darkest night.

Your eyes, twin pools of azure, hold a depth that I could drown in,
Your laughter, a symphony of joy that melts away all my frownin'.

Your presence, Quinterra, fills me with a sense of peace,
A tranquility that calms the storms and makes my soul increase.

  • Your kindness radiates like the sun's golden rays,
  • Your wisdom shines like the stars that light up the hazy days.
  • You are a treasure beyond compare, a precious gem I'll always hold dear.

In your arms, Quinterra, I find solace and bliss,
A haven where my worries wither and my fears take the abyss.

Oh, my Quinterra, my love, my guiding star,
With you, I am a king, a conqueror from afar.

Your smile, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times,
Revives my weary soul and makes my heart climb.

Your words, like whispers from an angel's tongue,
Heal my wounds and make me feel whole, forever young.

Quinterra Schmalhofer, my soulmate, my destiny,
With you, life is a symphony, a love story meant to be.

Our love is a fortress, unbreakable and strong,
A testament to the power of hearts that belong.

Through life's adventures, we shall walk hand in hand,
Creating memories like grains of golden sand.

  • With you, Quinterra, I'll face any storm or gale,
  • For your love is my anchor, my shelter from the pale.

My heart beats only for you, Quinterra Schmalhofer,
My love for you is eternal, stretching far and yonder.

Oh, Quinterra, my love, my dream come true,
With you by my side, I'll forever be new.