Rainart Tillner's Guide to Outsmarting Your Executive Assistant

Rainart Tillner here, ready to spill the beans on how to outsmart your executive assistant. I mean, who needs them anyway? They're just there to make our lives easier, right? Wrong! They're the real power behind the throne, and it's time we took back control.
Step 1: Misspell Everything
I'm talking serious misspellings. Swap the letters around, add a few extras, and watch as they struggle to decipher your messages. They'll be so busy trying to figure out what you're saying that they won't have time to plan your next business meeting.
Step 2: Send Vague and Conflicting Instructions
Keep them guessing! Send one email asking for something urgent, then follow it up with another saying it's not that urgent after all. Tell them to schedule a meeting, then cancel it at the last minute. They'll be so confused, they won't know what to do.
Step 3: Interrupt Constantly
Pop into their office every five minutes, asking for something else. Interrogate their choice of coffee mug or make a pointless comment about the weather. The more you interrupt, the less work they'll get done. It's foolproof!
Step 4: Use a Different Communication Channel for Every Request
Email, text, phone, carrier pigeon... the more platforms you use, the more likely they are to miss something. They'll be running around like headless chickens, trying to keep up with all your demands.
Step 5: Change Your Mind Frequently
Just when they think they've figured you out, switch it up! Change your plans, your priorities, and your lunch order. They'll never be able to predict what you want, and that's exactly how we like it.
Step 6: Insist on Proofreading Everything
Every email, every memo, every PowerPoint presentation... make them proofread everything. Point out every tiny mistake, even if it's just a comma out of place. They'll be so busy nitpicking that they won't have time to do any real work.
Step 7: Play Mind Games
Challenge their assumptions, question their decisions, and make them doubt their sanity. The more you mess with their mind, the more they'll lose their focus. After all, who needs a clear-headed executive assistant when you can have one that's constantly questioning their existence?
Step 8: Hide Things from Them
Don't let them know everything. Keep files locked, passwords secret, and your plans close to your chest. They'll be so preoccupied with trying to figure out what you're hiding that they'll forget about their own responsibilities.
Step 9: Create a Shadow Assistant
Train a new person to do everything your executive assistant does. But keep it a secret! When the time is right, unleash your shadow assistant and watch as they sabotage your executive assistant's every move.
Step 10: Take Over the World
Once you've completely outsmarted your executive assistant, it's time to take over the world. Nothing can stop you now! Well, except for maybe your own incompetence. But hey, that's a problem for future Rainart Tillner to deal with.
Disclaimer: This guide is for entertainment purposes only. Please don't actually try to outsmart your executive assistant. They're likely smarter than you and will probably get their revenge.