Why Chose Random Questions to Ask a Guy

Do you ever just sit there and study your man with thousands of random questions to ask a guy floating around in your subconscious, but never quite rising to the surface? Believe it or not they probably do the same thing to you, so why not sit down and have a chat with them and find out the things you wonder about them while revealing the same things about yourself?

This is very important for your relationship. Having unanswered questions leads to insecurity. If you don't know how he feels then you will most likely assume the worst. This causes you to feel suspicious and unsettled. Since guys don't usually lay it all on the table for you when it comes to how they feel you only have two choices. Guess how they feel or just ask them! Women usually chose the former simply because we know that guys hate questions and we don't want to upset them. So we walk around day after day with these things on our mind afraid to take the initiative to find out Random Questions To Ask Your Friends .

You see all of these reality shows now days that have "love experts" that sit a guy down and grill them in order to find out if they are compatible with a certain girl. While their methods aren't the best they have the right idea. There are certain random questions to ask a guy that will let you know if the two of you are a good match. It's not a good idea to assume that you are if you don't know for sure and it's even worse to wait until you are in the midst of a trial to realize it wasn't meant to be. By that time there is usually some damage done that could have been easily avoided.

Of all of the random questions to ask a guy that you can think of chose the ones that are most relevant to your relationship. Write them down and then write what you think his ideal answer should be. Then find an informal and peaceful setting in which to ask him. Compare his actual answers to your ideal answers and this will give you a good idea of how compatible you are as a couple.