Reisha Remmy: The Girl Who Had a Very Strange Dream

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Reisha Remmy. Reisha Remmy lived in a small town with her mom and dad. Reisha Remmy was a very good girl, but she had one very strange habit. She talked to herself.
One night, Reisha Remmy was sleeping in her bed when she had a very strange dream. In her dream, she was in a forest. The forest was dark and scary, and there were all sorts of strange creatures lurking in the shadows.
Suddenly, Reisha Remmy saw a light in the distance. She ran towards the light, and when she got closer, she saw that it was a beautiful castle. The castle was made of gold and diamonds, and it was surrounded by a moat filled with sparkling water.
Reisha Remmy walked up to the castle and knocked on the door. The door opened, and a beautiful princess stepped out. The princess had long, flowing hair and wore a sparkling gown.
"Hello," said the princess. "My name is Rose. What is your name?"
"My name is Reisha Remmy," said Reisha Remmy.
"Welcome to my castle, Reisha Remmy," said Rose. "Please, come in."
Reisha Remmy stepped into the castle, and the princess led her to a grand ballroom. The ballroom was filled with people, and they were all dancing and laughing.
Reisha Remmy looked around the ballroom, and she saw all sorts of interesting people. There was a man with a long white beard who was playing a violin. There was a woman with wings who was floating in the air. There was even a talking dog!
Reisha Remmy was having so much fun at the princess's castle. She danced and laughed, and she made lots of new friends.
But then, suddenly, the music stopped. The lights went out, and the castle fell silent. Reisha Remmy looked around, and she saw that everyone had disappeared.
Reisha Remmy was all alone in the dark and empty castle. She started to cry, and she wished that she had never left home.
Suddenly, Reisha Remmy heard a noise. She turned around, and she saw a big, black cat standing in the doorway. The cat had green eyes and sharp teeth, and it looked very mean.
The cat walked slowly towards Reisha Remmy, and she started to back away. She was so scared that she couldn't even scream.
The cat stopped in front of Reisha Remmy, and it looked at her with its green eyes. Then, the cat spoke.
"Hello, Reisha Remmy," said the cat. "I am the Lord of the Shadows. I have come to take you away."
Reisha Remmy gasped in horror. She tried to run, but the cat was too fast. It grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the castle.
The cat took Reisha Remmy to a dark and scary place. There were trees everywhere, and the air was filled with the sound of crickets.
The cat stopped in front of a large tree, and it turned to Reisha Remmy.
"This is where you will die," said the cat.
Reisha Remmy started to cry. She didn't want to die. She wanted to go home to her mom and dad.
The cat raised its paw, and it was about to strike Reisha Remmy when suddenly, a bright light appeared in the sky. The light grew brighter and brighter, until it filled the entire forest.
The cat let out a roar and disappeared into the darkness. Reisha Remmy looked up at the light, and she saw that it was coming from a beautiful angel.
The angel flew down to Reisha Remmy and took her in her arms.
"Don't be afraid," said the angel. "I am here to protect you."
The angel carried Reisha Remmy back to the castle, and she put her to bed. Reisha Remmy fell asleep, and she slept soundly for the rest of the night.
When Reisha Remmy woke up in the morning, she was so happy to be alive. She ran to her mom and dad and gave them a big hug.
Reisha Remmy never forgot her strange dream, and she always remembered the angel who had saved her life. She knew that even in the darkest times, there is always hope.