Repointing Sydney

Do you have a brick wall that is in need of repointing? Repointing is the process of resealing the joints between bricks. Over time the mortar joint begins to recess and this creates many kinds of problems. The recessed joint then starts holding onto rain water and leaks it into the house. A brick wall can also develop cracks over time due to stress. These cracks can keep spreading if they are not fixed right away. Repointing helps repair the wall and even make it look nice. If you are thinking to get your wall repointed then read this guide to repoint your brick wall quickly and easily :


  1. Hire A Contractor: Start by hiring an experienced contractor to repoint the brick wall on your property. Don’t rush to hire just anyone. You want someone experienced so they can do a good job on your wall. Go to Google and type: “repointing Sydney”. You will see a list of contractors. Read their reviews, shortlist a few that have good reviews and discuss repointing your wall with them.

  2. Site Inspection: Next, set an appointment to have them see the wall. When it comes to repointing there are no fixed rates. Contractors decide how much they will charge based on the amount of work because they have to apply their special skill to match the color and texture precisely to the existing mortar. The experienced contractors who can match the color precisely will cost more.

  3. Get Estimate: Once the inspection is done have the contractor give you a quote in writing. Have 3 or 4 contractors inspect the site and give you an estimate. The site inspection is free so no reason to avoid it. The advantage of having multiple contractors bid is that you can compare their rates and hire who offers the best rates.