Reviews of Site Clearance Methodology by Frank Owens Limited Contractors


Site clearance may appear as a simple process to many un-oriented people; however, it requires a certain methodology to make it a successful and viable endeavor. It involves, usually, removal of obstructions such as existing structures or vegetation as well as stripping soil and removing large materials such as rocks, gravels and other unwanted debris on site.

Here are the necessary steps and guidelines to adhere to when conducting site-clearing operations:

1. Management of people who have access to the site

Safety is a primary consideration in any earth-moving operation since the presence of heavy equipment and possible leakage of toxic gases or explosion due to buried explosives or methane-gas ignition can inflict great damage. As such, only people with site-safety training can gain access to the premises.

2. Site Clearance or Excavation Permit must be issued

The Site Engineer must issue a site clearance permit, as provided by the city authorities, to the people charged with the clearing activity. The section engineer will also refer to relevant documentation as to detailed services so as to provide necessary protection, such as fencing or structures to protect existing utility lines or properties beyond the boundaries.

3. Equipment and personnel access to site must be established

To control entry and movement of equipment and personnel, the Site Engineer will define entry points and site proper traffic to optimize efficiency of operation as well as ensure safety of all concerned. When necessary, fencing will be set up to prevent access to dangerous or secured areas (ravines, deep excavations or landslide-prone areas).

4. Surplus vegetation removal and stockpiling

All vegetation must be removed using equipment with 360-degree capability. The vegetation will then be stockpiled in a designated area and disposed off properly, according to environmental regulations. In many places, burning is resorted to; however, more and more countries do not allow this polluting practice although it is the traditional way.

5. Limits  of  Site Clearance

All works will be done within the permanently designated fences used as boundaries approved in the contract. This also involves accomplishing all works only within the perimeter of the said boundaries.

The landowner must always be involved in the initial preparation and ongoing project activities until the completion of the operation. This will assure that all activities are done according to their approved objectives and requirements. Frank Owens Contractors, as a utility service provider, works closely with its clients to help them attain their objectives in the most efficient and economical way.