Richard Sherman Disney

A Little Bird Told Me: The Story of Richard Sherman Disney
In the tapestry of Disney's magical kingdom, Richard Sherman Disney stands as a vibrant thread, a master weaver of melodies that have enchanted generations. Born on June 12, 1928, in Manhattan, Richard's journey began in a family filled with laughter, love, and an abiding passion for music.

Growing up in New York City, Richard and his younger brother, Robert, were inseparable companions. They shared a love of classical music, Broadway musicals, and the great jazz maestros of the era. In the Sherman household, music filled the air, with both boys learning to play the piano at an early age. It was during a family vacation to California that fate intervened, as the Sherman brothers stumbled upon the bustling world of Walt Disney Studios.

With stars in their eyes, the brothers penned a song titled "Mr. Disney" and mustered the courage to send it to the legendary animator himself. To their astonishment, Walt Disney was so impressed with their talent that he invited them for an interview. It was the beginning of a lifelong friendship and a magical collaboration that would forever change the landscape of animation.

The Boys from the Bronx

Joining the Disney team in 1958, the Sherman brothers brought their boundless creativity and infectious enthusiasm to every project they touched. From their first major hit, "The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room," to the beloved classics of "Mary Poppins," "The Jungle Book," and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," the Sherman brothers' songs captured the hearts and imaginations of audiences worldwide.

Richard's contributions to these timeless soundtracks were immense. His melodies were soaring and unforgettable, his lyrics whimsical and witty. Together with his brother, they created some of the most iconic songs in Disney history, songs that continue to bring joy and enchantment to listeners of all ages.

A Musical Legacy

Beyond his work with Disney, Richard Sherman also enjoyed a successful career as a composer and lyricist for stage and screen. He penned the music for the Broadway hit "Over Here!" and collaborated with Disney legend Alan Menken on the score for the animated classic "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." His songs have been performed by countless artists, including Julie Andrews, Barbra Streisand, and Bing Crosby.

In recognition of his extraordinary contributions to American music, Richard Sherman Disney was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 2007. He passed away on December 6, 2020, leaving behind a legacy of beloved songs that will forever be a part of our cultural heritage.

Where Dreams Come True

The story of Richard Sherman Disney is a testament to the power of dreams and the enduring spirit of creativity. As a boy from the Bronx who dared to dream big, Richard and his brother achieved their wildest aspirations, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

Their songs continue to inspire and delight, reminding us all that anything is possible if we dare to follow our hearts and pursue our passions. In the tapestry of Disney's magical kingdom, Richard Sherman Disney will forever be remembered as a master weaver of melodies, a true Disney legend.