Ring of Kerry Cycle: Cycling Paradise or a Coastal Curse?

The Ring of Kerry, a coastal route on Ireland's southwestern coast, beckons cyclists with its breathtaking scenery. But beyond the postcard-perfect vistas, lies a rollercoaster of hills, hair-raising turns, and unpredictable weather – a mix that can turn a dreamy cycle into a grueling ordeal.

I embarked on this fabled ride with a cocktail of excitement and trepidation. The first day's winding coastal road, hugging the turquoise waters of Dingle Bay, seemed like a heavenly ride. But as I ventured deeper into the peninsula, the gradient started to rear its ugly head. My legs burned with every ascent, and the relentless wind seemed determined to blow me off the bike.

Of course, there were moments of pure bliss too. The descent from Cahersiveen to Killorglin, a symphony of cascading hills and panoramic views, had me grinning like a child. But those moments of joy were fleeting, often replaced by the sight of another seemingly endless incline. As I pedaled through the picturesque townlands of Sneem and Kenmare, the charm of the landscape was slowly being overshadowed by the throbbing in my calves.

The weather, too, proved to be as fickle as a politician's promise. Rain lashed down one minute, only to be replaced by blinding sunshine the next. I alternated between steaming in my waterproof and shivering in my base layer, while my bike groaned under the onslaught of the elements.

But amidst the challenges, I discovered a strange sense of camaraderie with fellow cyclists. We shared a language of sighs, groans, and the occasional outburst of laughter. We offered words of encouragement at the foot of hills and shared snacks on the summits. The shared experience of pushing ourselves to our limits created an unexpected bond between strangers.

As I finally cycled back into Killarney, my body aching but my spirit soaring, I couldn't help but marvel at the duality of the Ring of Kerry. It's a route that is both a cyclist's paradise and a coastal curse – a challenge that rewards the determined with memories that will last a lifetime.

So, if you're planning to tackle the Ring of Kerry Cycle, be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions. But remember, the pain of the climbs is always worth it for the joy of the descents. And the camaraderie you'll find along the way will make the challenges all the more bearable.

Happy cycling – and may the winds be ever at your back (or at least not too ferociously against you)!