River Thames sharks

Do you know that there are actually sharks swimming in the River Thames?

That's right, you read that correctly. Sharks have been found in the River Thames, one of the most famous rivers in the world. While these sharks are not as big and scary as the ones you might see in the ocean, they are still pretty impressive creatures.

The most common type of shark found in the River Thames is the dogfish, a small shark that grows to a maximum length of about 1 meter. Dogfish are not dangerous to humans, and they are actually quite shy creatures. They mainly feed on small fish and invertebrates.

Another type of shark that has been found in the River Thames is the spurdog, a slightly larger shark that can grow to a maximum length of about 1.5 meters. Spurdogs are also not dangerous to humans, but they do have a venomous spine on their dorsal fin. This spine can cause a painful sting, so it's important to be careful when handling spurdogs.

So, why are there sharks in the River Thames? There are a few theories. One theory is that the sharks are born in the ocean and then swim up the river to find food. Another theory is that the sharks are actually residents of the river and have been there for many years.

Whatever the reason, the presence of sharks in the River Thames is a reminder that even the most familiar places can be home to some amazing creatures. So, the next time you're taking a boat ride on the River Thames, keep your eyes peeled for sharks!

Here are some fun facts about sharks in the River Thames:

  • The largest shark ever caught in the River Thames was a 2.7-meter-long spurdog.
  • Sharks have been found in the River Thames as far upstream as Oxford.
  • Sharks are not the only fish that have been found in the River Thames. Other fish that have been found in the river include salmon, carp, and eels.

So, next time you're thinking about taking a swim in the River Thames, remember, you might just be sharing the water with a shark!