River Thames sharks: The aquatic mystery that's right under your feet

Imagine if I told you that there are sharks swimming in the River Thames, right beneath your feet. Would you believe me?
Well, believe it or not, it's true! There have been several sightings of sharks in the River Thames over the years, and it's not just a myth.
So, what kind of sharks are they?
The sharks that have been spotted in the River Thames are usually small, harmless dogfish sharks. They're not the kind of sharks that you would see in a horror movie, but they're still pretty cool to see.
Where do they come from?
Dogfish sharks are found in the Atlantic Ocean, and they sometimes swim up the River Thames to feed. They're attracted to the river's rich ecosystem, which includes plenty of fish and other prey.
Are they dangerous?
No, dogfish sharks are not dangerous to humans. They're small and docile, and they're more likely to swim away from you than attack you.
Can you swim with them?
Yes, you can swim with dogfish sharks in the River Thames. However, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and to be careful not to disturb the sharks.
What's it like to swim with them?
Swimming with dogfish sharks is an amazing experience. They're beautiful creatures, and it's incredible to see them swimming in their natural habitat.
Here are some tips for swimming with dogfish sharks:
- Be aware of your surroundings and be careful not to disturb the sharks.
- Don't swim too close to the sharks.
- If you see a shark, don't panic. Just swim away slowly.
- Don't try to touch or feed the sharks.

Swimming with dogfish sharks is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If you're ever in London, be sure to check it out!